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The tutorial consists of more than 200 live examples from 50 sections given separately for JAVA, C# and C++. Each of the examples can be copied and run on your own environment. In addition, mXparser provides an extensive collection of over 500 built-in math functions, expressions and symbols. Familiarize yourself with the scope and the syntax. Live testing is the best way to learn. Good luck! 🙂
Tutorial Math Collection API spec Download
mXparser is now also available for C++
Key Information on C++ support
mXparser internally operates on Unicode UTF16, but accepts data in UTF8
mXparser manages memory automatically
Recommended usage of mXparser for C++
1. Using internal help
Full help content
Simple in-line help searching
Advanced help searching
2. Simple expressions
Simple calculation
Changing expression string
Using operators
Power function
Using numbers in scientific notation
Percent sign
Leading zeros
Fractions support
New division operators (since v.6.0)
3. Implied multiplication
Numbers and parenthesis
Numbers and constants / arguments
Numbers and constants / arguments and parenthesis
Numbers and constants / arguments and parenthesis and functions
Implied multiplication and possible ambiguity
Implied multiplication and list of tokens
Enable / disable implied multiplication
4. Evaluating relations
Binary relation "="
Binary relation "<"
Boolean operator "OR"
Boolean operator "AND"
5. Using built-in functions
Unary function
Binary function
Function with 3 arguments
Function with n-arguments
Function with even number of arguments
6. User defined arguments
Dealing with free arguments
Defining dependent arguments
Implementing your own Argument Extension
Getting list of missing user defined arguments
Possible conflict between Implied Multiplication and getting list of missing user defined arguments + recommended solutions
7. User defined functions
Fast function definition (performance of creation)
Handy function constructor, but slower proces of function creation (performance of creation slower, but calculation the same)
Function with more parameters
Function in function
Implementing your own Function Extension
Getting list of missing user defined functions
Possible conflict between Implied Multiplication and getting list of missing user defined functions + recommended solutions
8. Expression pre-compilation
What is pre-compilation?
When is pre-compilation done?
When is pre-compilation done again?
An example of bad practice in computing the value of an expression for a changing argument value
An example of good practice in computing the value of an expression for a changing argument value
9. Summation & Product iterated operators
SIGMA summation operator
PI product operator
SIGMA summation operator - Approximating sin(x) by Taylor series
SIGMA summation operator - Approximating pi value by integrating sqrt(1-x^2)
10. Derivatives & Integrals
General derivative
Left / right derivative
Derivative from more complex function
Derivative - alternative syntax
Integrals - calculating pi by integration sqrt(1-x^2)
11. Solving equation f(x) = 0
Solve 2x-4 = 0 for x in [0, 10]
Solve cos(x) = 0 for x in [0, pi]
Solve cos(x) = 0 for x in [pi, pi] (root not bracketed)
Solve x-y = 0 for x in [0, 10] and y = 4
Solve sin'(x) = 0 for x in [0, pi]
12. “if” and “iff” functions
Mechanics of the if function
"if" function and arguments
"if" function in user defined function
Mechanics of the "iff" function
iff function is not limited in number of cases
13. Built-in constants
Using built-in constants
Estimating Moon gravitational acceleration
Getting list of constants
14. Built-in Units
Units of length / distance
Units of time
Units of information
Units of volume
Express 4 feet in inches
Express in square kilometers the area of a rectangle measuring 100 meters by 2 kilometers
List of supported units
15. Built-in Metric prefixes
Example: 10 Millions / Kilo
List of supported metric prefixes
16. Bitwise Operators
Bitwise unary complement
Bitwise AND
Bitwise exclusive OR
Bitwise inclusive OR
Signed left / right shift
Bitwise NAND, NOR, XOR (since v.6.0)
17. Variadic user defined functions
Function returning number of parameters provided
Function returning sum of first and last parameter provided
Function returning parameter at position defined by the first parameter
Function returning sum of all parameters squared
Implementing your own Variadic Function Extension
18. User defined constants
Defining constant - various options
19. Fast (limited) user defined recursion
Fibonacci numbers using fast recursion
20. User defined recursion – not limited
Fibonacci numbers using user defined recursive function
Number of recursive parameters is not limited - binomial coefficient definition using user defined recursive function
Mixing function parameters - part causing recursive calls, other part as 'typical' parameter. Below example is presenting definition of Chebyshev polynomial using recursive function.
Indirect recursion - approximating sin(x) and cos(x)
21. Prime Numbers
Primality test function
Primes counting function
Using built-in primes cache to accelerate calculations
Estimating number of primes using Offset logarithmic integral function
Prime factorization
22. Random numbers
Random number from uniform continuous distribution
Random number from uniform discrete distribution
Random number from normal distribution
Random number from a given list
Estimating mean of Normal distribution
Estimating standard deviation of Normal distribution
Estimating variance of Normal distribution
23. PDF, CDF and Quantile functions
Expected value estimation using Probability Distribution Function
Probability estimation using Cumulative Distribution Function - the law of 3*SIGMA
Calculating quantiles using Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function - males height example assuming males height distribution N(170, 15)
24. Built-in Random Variables
Random integer
Random integer N: -10^k <= N <= 10^k for k = 1, 2, ...,9
Random natural number
Random natural number N <= 10^k for k = 1, 2, ...,9
Uniform continuous distribution U(0,1)
Normal distribution N(0,1)
25. User defined Random Variables
Dependent argument as user defined random variable
User defined function as user defined random variable - random walk example
26. Unicode math
The square root √
The square root of the square root √√
The square root and parenthesis √()
The roots of various orders ∜ ∛ √
SIGMA summation operator ∑
Unicode name of a user defined argument
Show all Unicode built-in keywords
Enable / disable Unicode built-in keywords
List of Unicode symbols that grammar accepts
27. Fractions
Fraction (proper) as Number Literal
Improper Fraction as Number Literal
Fraction (Mixed Number) as Number Literal
Fraction (Mixed Numer) and Improper Fraction in one Number Literal
Operations on Fractions
Represent double as Fraction
28. Various numeral systems
Binary number
Octal number
Hexadecimal number
Unary number
Unary zero
Base 1 - 36 number literals
Base N numeral system
29. Working with NaN (Not-a-Number)
NaN in condition
NaN symbol
First non-NaN value
30. Radians Mode / Degrees Mode
Basic trigonometric function
Inverse trigonometric function
Using units of angle being in radians mode
31. Calculation Steps Register
Simple Expression
Dependent User Argument
User Function
Expression referencing User Argument and User Function
32. Inspecting calculation process
Setting the verbose mode
Syntax checking
Lexical syntax checking
Getting computing time
An Attempt To Fix Expression String
33. Playing with expression tokens
Printing expression tokens
Using tokens to print expression in a fancy way
Playing with invalid tokens
34. Built-in tokens (key words) manipulation
Removing built-in tokens
Modifying built-in tokens
Overriding built-in tokens
35. Smart rounding settings
A few words on Floating Point Math
Why mXparser is based on the double data type?
Smart rounding options available in mXparser
Check which rounding settings are currently active
- Example –
Only Canonical Rounding option is active
- Example –
Only Unit In The Last Place Rounding option is active
- Example –
Only Almost Integer Rounding option is active
- Example –
None of the rounding options are active
36. Efficient calculations in loops
User expression in the loop + output
User function in the loop + output
User argument (dependent) in the loop + output
User expression in the loop – Performance
Speed up calculations by turning off the smart rounding options
User function in the loop – Performance
User argument (dependent) in the loop – Performance
37. Extensive list of settings
Degrees / Radians Mode
Attempt To Fix Expression String Mode
Primes Cache
Epsilon Comparison / Exact Comparison Mode
Canonical Rounding Mode
ULP (Unit In The Last Place) Rounding Mode
Almost Integers Rounding Mode
Implied Multiplication Mode
Unicode Builtin Key Words Mode
Verbose / Silent Mode
Override Builtin Tokens Mode
Modify Builtin Tokens Mode
Remove Builtin Tokens Mode
Current Calculation Cancellation
Setting Console Prefix
Reaching Console Output String
Maximum Allowed Recursion Depth
Double to Fraction Conversion
Random Generator Selection
Maximum Threads Number
Default Settings
38. Serialization & Deserialization
SerializationUtils class
Binary serialization SECURITY WARNING
Enabling / Disabling binary serialization
Expression serialization / deserialization from / to byte[]
Expression serialization / deserialization from / to String
Expression serialization / deserialization from / to File
Serialization / Deserialization of complex objects
39. Cloning for thread safe operations
Why special cloning might be handy?
List of available options
Just cloning for a thread safe
Cloning for a thread safe + retrieving a clone of related object
Cloning for a thread safe + retrieving many clones of related objects
Cloning a sophisticated user objects with recursive dependencies
40. Exporting help in the TXT format
List of available options
Output with header and standard caption + advanced search
Output with header and user caption + advanced search
Output with no header and no caption + advanced search
41. Exporting help in the CSV format
List of available options
Output with header and ” as text quotation and ; as delimiter + advanced search
Output with header and ‘ as text quotation and , as delimiter + advanced search
Output with header and no text quotation and ; as delimiter + advanced search
Output with no header and ” as text quotation and ; as delimiter + advanced search
42. Exporting help in the HTML table format
List of available options
Output with header + figure tag + standard caption + CSS class + advanced search
Output with header + standard caption + CSS class + advanced search
Output with header + user caption + CSS class + advanced search
Output with no header and no caption and no CSS class + advanced search
44. Exporting help in the Markdown table format
List of available options
Output with header + standard caption + advanced search
Output with header + user caption + advanced search
Output with header and no caption + advanced search
Output with no header and no caption + advanced search
44. Exporting help in the JSON format
List of available options
Output with standard caption + advanced search
Output with user caption + advanced search
Output with no caption + advanced search
45. Accessing help programmatically
List of available options
Getting list of all keywords
Getting list of keywords under advanced search condition
Printing list of keywords
46. mXparser is provided in several most popular languages
mXparser in French
mXparser in German
mXparser in Italian
mXparser in Polish
mXparser in Portuguese
mXparser in Spanish
mXparser in Chinese
47. Configuration of your own translation
String Model generated based on String Resources
List of available options
Definition of text resources based on partial translation
Definition of text resources based on full translation
48. Validating String Model
To see generated descriptions by String Model
To see String Resources used
49. Printing the license
Printing the license
50. Confirming Non-Commercial / Commercial Use
Confirming Non-Commercial Use
Confirming Commercial Use
Live Java example
Live C# example
Nuget – Package Manager (C#, F#, Visual Basic, …)
dotnet add package
<PackageReference Include=
Maven – Dependency (Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, …)
Maven – Gradle
CMake – Dependency / FetchContent (C++, MSVC, LLVM/Clang, GNU/GCC, MinGW, MSYS2, WSL, Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOS)
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target_link_libraries(YourExecutable MathParserOrgMxParser
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