The tutorial consists of more than 200 live examples from 50 sections. Each of the examples can be copied and run on your own environment. In addition, mXparser provides an extensive collection of over 500 built-in math functions, expressions and symbols. Familiarize yourself with the scope and the syntax. Live testing is the best way to learn. Good luck! 🙂
Tutorial Math Collection API spec Download
Below is the code for JAVA, the code for C# is almost identical. To copy the code, double-click inside the frame.
Case 1: The square root √
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Expression e = new Expression("√2");
mXparser.consolePrintln("Res: " + e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Res: √2 = 1.4142135623730951
Case 2: The square root of the square root √√
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Expression e = new Expression("√√16");
mXparser.consolePrintln("Res: " + e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Res: √√16 = 2.0
Case 3: The square root and parenthesis √()
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Expression e = new Expression("√√(8+8)");
mXparser.consolePrintln("Res: " + e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Res: √√(8+8) = 2.0
Case 4: The roots of various orders ∜ ∛ √
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Expression e = new Expression("∜16 + ∛27 + √16");
mXparser.consolePrintln("Res: " + e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Res: ∜16 + ∛27 + √16 = 9.0
Case 5: SIGMA summation operator ∑
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Expression e = new Expression("∑(i, 1, 5, i^2)");
mXparser.consolePrintln("Res: " + e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Res: ∑(i, 1, 5, i^2) = 55.0
Case 6: Unicode name of a user defined argument
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Argument a = new Argument("α = 2π");
Argument b = new Argument("β = π/2");
Expression e = new Expression("sin(α) + cos(β)", a, b);
mXparser.consolePrintln("Res: " + e.getExpressionString() + " = " + e.calculate());
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Res: sin(α) + cos(β) = 0.0
Case 7: Show all Unicode built-in keywords
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Help content limited to query: 'unicode'
# Keyword Type Syntax Since Description
- -------- ---- ------ ----- -----------
1. × <Operator> a × b 5.0 Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
2. ⨉ <Operator> a ⨉ b 5.0 Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
3. ∙ <Operator> a ∙ b 5.0 Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
4. ÷ <Operator> a ÷ b 5.0 Division - Operator - Unicode math symbol
5. √ <Operator> √x 5.0 Square root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
6. ∛ <Operator> ∛x 5.0 Cube root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
7. ∜ <Operator> ∜x 5.0 Fourth root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
8. ∧ <Boolean operator> p ∧ q 5.0 Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
9. ⊼ <Boolean operator> p ⊼ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
10. ~∧ <Boolean operator> p ~∧ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
11. ¬& <Boolean operator> p ¬& q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
12. ¬∧ <Boolean operator> p ¬∧ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
13. ¬&& <Boolean operator> p ¬&& q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
14. ¬/\ <Boolean operator> p ¬/\ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
15. ∨ <Boolean operator> p ∨ q 5.0 Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
16. ⊽ <Boolean operator> p ⊽ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
17. ~∨ <Boolean operator> p ~∨ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
18. ¬| <Boolean operator> p ¬| q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
19. ¬∨ <Boolean operator> p ¬∨ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
20. ¬|| <Boolean operator> p ¬|| q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
21. ¬\/ <Boolean operator> p ¬\/ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
22. ⊻ <Boolean operator> p ⊻ q 5.0 Exclusive or XOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
23. ⇒ <Boolean operator> p ⇒ q 5.0 Implication IMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
24. ⇐ <Boolean operator> p ⇐ q 5.0 Converse implication CIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
25. ⇏ <Boolean operator> p ⇏ q 5.0 Material nonimplication NIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
26. ⇍ <Boolean operator> p ⇍ q 5.0 Converse nonimplication CNIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
27. ⇔ <Boolean operator> p ⇔ q 5.0 Logical biconditional EQV - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
28. ¬ <Boolean operator> ¬p 5.0 Negation - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
29. ≠ <Binary relation> a ≠ b 5.0 Inequation - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
30. ≤ <Binary relation> a ≤ b 5.0 Lower or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
31. ⋜ <Binary relation> a ⋜ b 5.0 Lower or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
32. ≥ <Binary relation> a ≥ b 5.0 Greater or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
33. ⋝ <Binary relation> a ⋝ b 5.0 Greater or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
34. ∑ <Calculus operator> ∑(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
35. Σ <Calculus operator> Σ(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
36. ∏ <Calculus operator> ∏(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
37. ℿ <Calculus operator> ℿ(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
38. Π <Calculus operator> Π(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
39. ∫ <Calculus operator> ∫(expr, arg, from, to) 5.0 Definite integral ∫ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
40. ∂ <Calculus operator> ∂(expr, arg, <point>) 5.0 Derivative ∂ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
41. ∂- <Calculus operator> ∂-(expr, arg, <point>) 5.0 Left derivative ∂- - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
42. ∂+ <Calculus operator> ∂+(expr, arg, <point>) 5.0 Right derivative ∂+ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
43. ∆ <Calculus operator> ∆(expr, arg, <delta>) 5.0 Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
44. Δ <Calculus operator> Δ(expr, arg, <delta>) 5.0 Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
45. ∇ <Calculus operator> ∇(expr, arg, <delta>) 5.0 Backward difference ∇ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
46. π <Constant value> π 5.0 Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
47. ℼ <Constant value> ℼ 5.0 Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
48. ℯ <Constant value> ℯ 5.0 Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
49. ⅇ <Constant value> ⅇ 5.0 Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
Case 8: Enable / disable Unicode built-in keywords
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
[mXparser-v.5.2.1] Help content limited to query: 'unicode'
# Keyword Type Syntax Since Description
- -------- ---- ------ ----- -----------
List of Unicode symbols that grammar accepts
"α" = "\u03b1": can be used as var name
"β" = "\u03b2": can be used as var name
"γ" = "\u03b3": can be used as var name
"δ" = "\u03b4": can be used as var name
"ε" = "\u03b5": can be used as var name
"ζ" = "\u03b6": can be used as var name
"η" = "\u03b7": can be used as var name
"θ" = "\u03b8": can be used as var name
"ι" = "\u03b9": can be used as var name
"κ" = "\u03ba": can be used as var name
"λ" = "\u03bb": can be used as var name
"μ" = "\u03bc": can be used as var name
"ν" = "\u03bd": can be used as var name
"ξ" = "\u03be": can be used as var name
"ο" = "\u03bf": can be used as var name
"π" = "\u03c0": pi constant
"ρ" = "\u03c1": can be used as var name
"ς" = "\u03c2": can be used as var name
"σ" = "\u03c3": can be used as var name
"τ" = "\u03c4": can be used as var name
"υ" = "\u03c5": can be used as var name
"φ" = "\u03c6": can be used as var name
"χ" = "\u03c7": can be used as var name
"ψ" = "\u03c8": can be used as var name
"ω" = "\u03c9": can be used as var name
"Α" = "\u0391": can be used as var name
"Β" = "\u0392": can be used as var name
"Γ" = "\u0393": can be used as var name
"Δ" = "\u0394": Forward difference operator
"Ε" = "\u0395": can be used as var name
"Ζ" = "\u0396": can be used as var name
"Η" = "\u0397": can be used as var name
"Θ" = "\u0398": can be used as var name
"Ι" = "\u0399": can be used as var name
"Κ" = "\u039a": can be used as var name
"Λ" = "\u039b": can be used as var name
"Μ" = "\u039c": can be used as var name
"Ν" = "\u039d": can be used as var name
"Ξ" = "\u039e": can be used as var name
"Ο" = "\u039f": can be used as var name
"Π" = "\u03a0": Product operator - PI
"Ρ" = "\u03a1": can be used as var name
"Σ" = "\u03a3": Summation operator - SIGMA
"Τ" = "\u03a4": can be used as var name
"Υ" = "\u03a5": can be used as var name
"Φ" = "\u03a6": can be used as var name
"Χ" = "\u03a7": can be used as var name
"Ψ" = "\u03a8": can be used as var name
"Ω" = "\u03a9": can be used as var name
"∑" = "\u2211": Summation operator - SIGMA
"∏" = "\u220f": Product operator - PI
"ℿ" = "\u213f": Product operator - PI
"∆" = "\u2206": Forward difference operator
"∇" = "\u2207": Backward difference operator
"∫" = "\u222b": Definite integral operator
"ℼ" = "\u213c": pi constant
"ℇ" = "\u2107": can be used as var name
"ⅇ" = "\u2147": Napier's constant, or Euler's number, base of Natural logarithm
"ℯ" = "\u212f": Napier's constant, or Euler's number, base of Natural logarithm
"∜" = "\u221c": Fourth root function represented as unary left operator
"∛" = "\u221b": Cube root function represented as unary left operator
"√" = "\u221a": Square root function represented as unary left operator
"∂" = "\u2202": Derivative operator
"⊻" = "\u22bb": Exclusive or (XOR)
"⊽" = "\u22bd": Logical NOR
"⊼" = "\u22bc": NAND - Sheffer stroke
"⇔" = "\u21d4": Logical biconditional (EQV)
"⇍" = "\u21cd": Converse nonimplication (CNIMP)
"⇏" = "\u21cf": Material nonimplication (NIMP)
"⇐" = "\u21d0": Converse implication (CIMP)
"⇒" = "\u21d2": Implication (IMP)
"¬" = "\u00ac": Negation
"∧" = "\u2227": And
"∨" = "\u2228": Or
"⋝" = "\u22dd": Greater or equal
"≥" = "\u2265": Greater or equal
"⋜" = "\u22dc": Lower or equal
"≤" = "\u2264": Lower or equal
"≠" = "\u2260": Inequation
"÷" = "\u00f7": Division
"∙" = "\u2219": Multiplication
"⨉" = "\u2a09": Multiplication
"×" = "\u00d7": Multiplication
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