The tutorial consists of more than 200 live examples from 50 sections. Each of the examples can be copied and run on your own environment. In addition, mXparser provides an extensive collection of over 500 built-in math functions, expressions and symbols. Familiarize yourself with the scope and the syntax. Live testing is the best way to learn. Good luck! 🙂
Tutorial Math Collection API spec Download
Below is the code for JAVA, the code for C# is almost identical. To copy the code, double-click inside the frame.
You may also be interested in the following tutorial sections:
- Exporting help in the CSV format
- Exporting help in the HTML table format
- Exporting help in the Markdown table format
- Exporting help in the JSON format
- Exporting help in the TXT format
- Accessing help programmatically
- Configuration of your own translation
Case 1: Full help
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Case 2: In-line help searching – “sine” simple keyword
For a basic in-line search, simply provide a word (e.g.: "sine"
) in the query
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Case 3: Advanced help searching – “desc=inver” query
Advanced search is also possible, please use one of the tags below when formatting the query
– keyword (e.g.:"key=sin"
– description (e.g.:"desc=trigonometric"
– syntax (e.g.:"syn=sin"
– type (e.g.:"type=unit"
– since (e.g.:"since=4.1"
– please refer to parser tokens (e.g.:"typeid=3"
– please refer to parser tokens (e.g.:"keyid=1004"
Only one tag can be used per search.
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
Code result
Case 1: Full help
[mXparser-v.5.2.0] All help content.
# Keyword Type Syntax Since Description
- -------- ---- ------ ----- -----------
1. Number literal <Number> -2, 0.2, -002.1, 2.3e10, -.212, 1_2, 2_1_3, b1.111, b2.1001, h.af1,...1.0 Number literal: Integer (Since 1.0): 1, -2; Decimal (Since 1.0): 0.2, -0.3, 1.2; Leading zero (Since 4.1): 001, -002.1; Scientific notation (Since 4.2): 1.2e-10, 1.2e+10, 2.3E10; No leading zero (Since 4.2): .2, -.212; Fractions (Since 4.2): 1_2, 2_1_3, -14_3; Other numeral systems (Since 4.1): b1.111, b2.1001, b3.12021, -b16.af12, h.af1, -b.1001, o.0127;
2. + <Operator> a + b 1.0 Addition - Operator
3. - <Operator> a - b 1.0 Subtraction - Operator
4. * <Operator> a * b 1.0 Multiplication - Operator
5. × <Operator> a × b 5.0 Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
6. ⨉ <Operator> a ⨉ b 5.0 Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
7. ∙ <Operator> a ∙ b 5.0 Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
8. / <Operator> a / b 1.0 Division - Operator
9. ÷ <Operator> a ÷ b 5.0 Division - Operator - Unicode math symbol
10. ^ <Operator> a^b 1.0 Exponentiation - Operator
11. ! <Operator> n! 1.0 Factorial - Operator
12. # <Operator> a # b 1.0 Modulo - Operator
13. % <Operator> n% 4.1 Percentage - Operator
14. ^^ <Operator> a^^b 4.2 Tetration (hyper-4, power tower, exponential tower) - Operator
15. √ <Operator> √x 5.0 Square root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
16. ∛ <Operator> ∛x 5.0 Cube root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
17. ∜ <Operator> ∜x 5.0 Fourth root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
18. & <Boolean operator> p & q 1.0 Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator
19. ∧ <Boolean operator> p ∧ q 5.0 Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
20. && <Boolean operator> p && q 1.0 Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator
21. /\ <Boolean operator> p /\ q 1.0 Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator
22. ⊼ <Boolean operator> p ⊼ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
23. ~& <Boolean operator> p ~& q 1.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator
24. ~∧ <Boolean operator> p ~∧ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
25. ¬& <Boolean operator> p ¬& q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
26. ¬∧ <Boolean operator> p ¬∧ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
27. ~&& <Boolean operator> p ~&& q 1.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator
28. ~/\ <Boolean operator> p ~/\ q 1.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator
29. ¬&& <Boolean operator> p ¬&& q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
30. ¬/\ <Boolean operator> p ¬/\ q 5.0 Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
31. | <Boolean operator> p | q 1.0 Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator
32. ∨ <Boolean operator> p ∨ q 5.0 Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
33. || <Boolean operator> p || q 1.0 Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator
34. \/ <Boolean operator> p \/ q 1.0 Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator
35. ⊽ <Boolean operator> p ⊽ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
36. ~| <Boolean operator> p ~| q 1.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator
37. ~∨ <Boolean operator> p ~∨ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
38. ¬| <Boolean operator> p ¬| q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
39. ¬∨ <Boolean operator> p ¬∨ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
40. ~|| <Boolean operator> p ~|| q 1.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator
41. ~\/ <Boolean operator> p ~\/ q 1.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator
42. ¬|| <Boolean operator> p ¬|| q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
43. ¬\/ <Boolean operator> p ¬\/ q 5.0 Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
44. ⊻ <Boolean operator> p ⊻ q 5.0 Exclusive or XOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
45. (+) <Boolean operator> p (+) q 1.0 Exclusive or XOR - Boolean operator
46. ⇒ <Boolean operator> p ⇒ q 5.0 Implication IMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
47. --> <Boolean operator> p --> q 1.0 Implication IMP - Boolean operator
48. ⇐ <Boolean operator> p ⇐ q 5.0 Converse implication CIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
49. <-- <Boolean operator> p <-- q 1.0 Converse implication CIMP - Boolean operator
50. ⇏ <Boolean operator> p ⇏ q 5.0 Material nonimplication NIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
51. -/> <Boolean operator> p -/> q 1.0 Material nonimplication NIMP - Boolean operator
52. ⇍ <Boolean operator> p ⇍ q 5.0 Converse nonimplication CNIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
53. </- <Boolean operator> p </- q 1.0 Converse nonimplication CNIMP - Boolean operator
54. ⇔ <Boolean operator> p ⇔ q 5.0 Logical biconditional EQV - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
55. <-> <Boolean operator> p <-> q 1.0 Logical biconditional EQV - Boolean operator
56. ~ <Boolean operator> ~p 1.0 Negation - Boolean operator
57. ¬ <Boolean operator> ¬p 5.0 Negation - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
58. = <Binary relation> a = b 1.0 Equality - Binary relation
59. == <Binary relation> a == b 1.0 Equality - Binary relation
60. ≠ <Binary relation> a ≠ b 5.0 Inequation - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
61. <> <Binary relation> a <> b 1.0 Inequation - Binary relation
62. ~= <Binary relation> a ~= b 1.0 Inequation - Binary relation
63. != <Binary relation> a != b 1.0 Inequation - Binary relation
64. < <Binary relation> a < b 1.0 Lower than - Binary relation
65. > <Binary relation> a > b 1.0 Greater than - Binary relation
66. ≤ <Binary relation> a ≤ b 5.0 Lower or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
67. ⋜ <Binary relation> a ⋜ b 5.0 Lower or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
68. <= <Binary relation> a <= b 1.0 Lower or equal - Binary relation
69. ≥ <Binary relation> a ≥ b 5.0 Greater or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
70. ⋝ <Binary relation> a ⋝ b 5.0 Greater or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
71. >= <Binary relation> a >= b 1.0 Greater or equal - Binary relation
72. sin <Unary function> sin(x) 1.0 Trigonometric sine - Unary function
73. cos <Unary function> cos(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cosine - Unary function
74. tg <Unary function> tg(x) 1.0 Trigonometric tangent - Unary function
75. tan <Unary function> tan(x) 1.0 Trigonometric tangent - Unary function
76. ctg <Unary function> ctg(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
77. cot <Unary function> cot(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
78. ctan <Unary function> ctan(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
79. sec <Unary function> sec(x) 1.0 Trigonometric secant - Unary function
80. csc <Unary function> csc(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
81. cosec <Unary function> cosec(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
82. asin <Unary function> asin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
83. arsin <Unary function> arsin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
84. arcsin <Unary function> arcsin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
85. acos <Unary function> acos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
86. arcos <Unary function> arcos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
87. arccos <Unary function> arccos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
88. atg <Unary function> atg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
89. atan <Unary function> atan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
90. arctg <Unary function> arctg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
91. arctan <Unary function> arctan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
92. actg <Unary function> actg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
93. acot <Unary function> acot(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
94. actan <Unary function> actan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
95. arcctg <Unary function> arcctg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
96. arccot <Unary function> arccot(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
97. arcctan <Unary function> arcctan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
98. ln <Unary function> ln(x) 1.0 Natural logarithm (base e) - Unary function
99. log2 <Unary function> log2(x) 1.0 Binary logarithm (base 2) - Unary function
100. lg <Unary function> lg(x) 5.0 Common logarithm (base 10) - Unary function
101. log10 <Unary function> log10(x) 1.0 Common logarithm (base 10) - Unary function
102. rad <Unary function> rad(x) 1.0 Degrees to radians - Unary function
103. exp <Unary function> exp(x) 1.0 Exponential - Unary function
104. sqrt <Unary function> sqrt(x) 1.0 Squre root - Unary function
105. sinh <Unary function> sinh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic sine - Unary function
106. cosh <Unary function> cosh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
107. tgh <Unary function> tgh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
108. tanh <Unary function> tanh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
109. coth <Unary function> coth(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
110. ctgh <Unary function> ctgh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
111. ctanh <Unary function> ctanh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
112. sech <Unary function> sech(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic secant - Unary function
113. csch <Unary function> csch(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
114. cosech <Unary function> cosech(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
115. deg <Unary function> deg(x) 1.0 Radians to degrees - Unary function
116. abs <Unary function> abs(x) 1.0 Absolut value - Unary function
117. sgn <Unary function> sgn(x) 1.0 Signum - Unary function
118. floor <Unary function> floor(x) 1.0 Floor - Unary function
119. ceil <Unary function> ceil(x) 1.0 Ceiling - Unary function
120. not <Unary function> not(x) 1.0 Negation - Unary function
121. asinh <Unary function> asinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
122. arsinh <Unary function> arsinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
123. arcsinh <Unary function> arcsinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
124. acosh <Unary function> acosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
125. arcosh <Unary function> arcosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
126. arccosh <Unary function> arccosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
127. atgh <Unary function> atgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
128. atanh <Unary function> atanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
129. arctgh <Unary function> arctgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
130. arctanh <Unary function> arctanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
131. acoth <Unary function> acoth(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
132. actgh <Unary function> actgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
133. actanh <Unary function> actanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
134. arcoth <Unary function> arcoth(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
135. arccoth <Unary function> arccoth(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
136. arcctgh <Unary function> arcctgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
137. arcctanh <Unary function> arcctanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
138. asech <Unary function> asech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
139. arsech <Unary function> arsech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
140. arcsech <Unary function> arcsech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
141. acsch <Unary function> acsch(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
142. arcsch <Unary function> arcsch(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
143. arccsch <Unary function> arccsch(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
144. acosech <Unary function> acosech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
145. arcosech <Unary function> arcosech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
146. arccosech <Unary function> arccosech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
147. Sa <Unary function> Sa(x) 1.0 Sinc (normalized) - Unary function
148. sinc <Unary function> sinc(x) 1.0 Sinc (normalized) - Unary function
149. Sinc <Unary function> Sinc(x) 1.0 Sinc (unnormalized) - Unary function
150. Bell <Unary function> Bell(n) 1.0 Bell number - Unary function
151. Luc <Unary function> Luc(n) 1.0 Lucas number - Unary function
152. Fib <Unary function> Fib(n) 1.0 Fibonacci number - Unary function
153. harm <Unary function> harm(n) 1.0 Harmonic number - Unary function
154. ispr <Unary function> ispr(n) 2.3 Prime number test (is number a prime?) - Unary function
155. Pi <Unary function> Pi(n) 2.3 Prime-counting π(n) - Unary function
156. Ei <Unary function> Ei(x) 2.3 Exponential integral - Special function Ei(x) - Unary function
157. li <Unary function> li(x) 2.3 Logarithmic integral - Special function li(x) - Unary function
158. Li <Unary function> Li(x) 2.3 Offset logarithmic integral - Special function Li(x) - Unary function
159. erf <Unary function> erf(x) 3.0 Gauss error - Special function erf(x) - Unary function
160. erfc <Unary function> erfc(x) 3.0 Gauss complementary error - Special function erfc(x) - Unary function
161. erfInv <Unary function> erfInv(x) 3.0 Inverse Gauss error - Special function erf⁻¹(y) - Unary function
162. erfcInv <Unary function> erfcInv(x) 3.0 Inverse Gauss complementary error - Special function erfc⁻¹(x) - Unary function
163. ulp <Unary function> ulp(x) 3.0 Unit in The Last Place - Unary function
164. isNaN <Unary function> isNaN(x) 4.1 Returns true if value is a Not-a-Number (NaN), false otherwise (true=1, false=1) - Unary function
165. ndig10 <Unary function> ndig10(x) 4.1 Number of digits in numeral system with base 10 - Unary function
166. nfact <Unary function> nfact(x) 4.1 Prime decomposition - number of distinct prime factors - Unary function
167. arcsec <Unary function> arcsec(x) 4.1 Inverse trigonometric secant - Unary function
168. arccsc <Unary function> arccsc(x) 4.1 Inverse trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
169. Gamma <Unary function> Gamma(x) 4.2 Gamma - Special function Γ(s) - Unary function
170. LambW0 <Unary function> LambW0(x) 4.2 Lambert-W, principal branch 0, also called the omega or product logarithm - Special function W₀(x) - Unary function
171. LambW1 <Unary function> LambW1(x) 4.2 Lambert-W, branch -1, also called the omega or product logarithm - Special function W₋₁(x) - Unary function
172. sgnGamma <Unary function> sgnGamma(x) 4.2 Signum of Gamma - Special function Γ(s) - Unary function
173. logGamma <Unary function> logGamma(x) 4.2 Log Gamma - Special function lnΓ(s) - Unary function
174. diGamma <Unary function> diGamma(x) 4.2 Digamma as the logarithmic derivative of the Gamma - Special function ψ(x) - Unary function
175. rStud <Unary function> rStud(v) 5.0 Random variable - Student's t-distribution - Unary function
176. rChi2 <Unary function> rChi2(k) 5.0 Random variable - Chi-squared distribution - Unary function
177. log <Binary function> log(a, b) 1.0 Logarithm - Binary function
178. mod <Binary function> mod(a, b) 1.0 Modulo - Binary function
179. C <Binary function> C(n, k) 1.0 Binomial coefficient, number of k-combinations that can be drawn from n-elements set - Binary function
180. nCk <Binary function> nCk(n, k) 4.2 Binomial coefficient, number of k-combinations that can be drawn from n-elements set - Binary function
181. Bern <Binary function> Bern(m, n) 1.0 Bernoulli numbers - Binary function
182. Stirl1 <Binary function> Stirl1(n, k) 1.0 Stirling numbers of the first kind - Binary function
183. Stirl2 <Binary function> Stirl2(n, k) 1.0 Stirling numbers of the second kind - Binary function
184. Worp <Binary function> Worp(n, k) 1.0 Worpitzky number - Binary function
185. Euler <Binary function> Euler(n, k) 1.0 Euler number - Binary function
186. KDelta <Binary function> KDelta(i, j) 1.0 Kronecker delta - Binary function
187. EulerPol <Binary function> EulerPol(m, x) 1.0 Euler polynomial - Binary function
188. Harm <Binary function> Harm(x, n) 1.0 Harmonic number - Binary function
189. rUni <Binary function> rUni(a, b) 3.0 Random variable - Uniform continuous distribution U(a,b) - Binary function
190. rUnid <Binary function> rUnid(a, b) 3.0 Random variable - Uniform discrete distribution U{a,b} - Binary function
191. round <Binary function> round(x, n) 3.0 Half-up rounding - Binary function
192. rNor <Binary function> rNor(mean, stdv) 3.0 Random variable - Normal distribution N(μ,σ) - Binary function
193. ndig <Binary function> ndig(number, base) 4.1 Number of digits representing the number in numeral system with given base - Binary function
194. dig10 <Binary function> dig10(num, pos) 4.1 Digit at position 1 ... n (left -> right) or 0 ... -(n-1) (right -> left) - base 10 numeral system - Binary function
195. factval <Binary function> factval(number, factorid) 4.1 Prime decomposition - factor value at position between 1 ... nfact(n) - ascending order by factor value - Binary function
196. factexp <Binary function> factexp(number, factorid) 4.1 Prime decomposition - factor exponent / multiplicity at position between 1 ... nfact(n) - ascending order by factor value - Binary function
197. root <Binary function> root(rootorder, number) 4.1 N-th order root of a number - Binary function
198. GammaL <Binary function> GammaL(s, x) 4.2 Lower incomplete gamma - Special function γ(s,x) - Binary function
199. GammaU <Binary function> GammaU(s, x) 4.2 Upper incomplete Gamma - Special function Γ(s,x) - Binary function
200. GammaP <Binary function> GammaP(s, x) 4.2 Lower regularized P gamma - Special function P(s,x) - Binary function
201. GammaRegL <Binary function> GammaRegL(s, x) 4.2 Lower regularized P gamma - Special function P(s,x) - Binary function
202. GammaQ <Binary function> GammaQ(s, x) 4.2 Upper regularized Q Gamma - Special function Q(s,x) - Binary function
203. GammaRegU <Binary function> GammaRegU(s, x) 4.2 Upper regularized Q Gamma - Special function Q(s,x) - Binary function
204. nPk <Binary function> nPk(n, k) 4.2 Number of k-permutations that can be drawn from n-elements set - Binary function
205. Beta <Binary function> Beta(x, y) 4.2 The Beta, also called the Euler integral of the first kind - Special function B(x,y) - Binary function
206. logBeta <Binary function> logBeta(x, y) 4.2 The Log Beta, also called the Log Euler integral of the first kind - Special function lnB(x,y) - Binary function
207. pStud <Binary function> pStud(x, v) 5.0 Student's t-distribution - Probability distribution function - Binary function
208. cStud <Binary function> cStud(x, v) 5.0 Student's t-distribution - Cumulative distribution function - Binary function
209. qStud <Binary function> qStud(p, v) 5.0 Student's t-distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) - Binary function
210. pChi2 <Binary function> pChi2(x, k) 5.0 Chi-squared distribution - Probability distribution function - Binary function
211. cChi2 <Binary function> cChi2(x, k) 5.0 Chi-squared distribution - Cumulative distribution function - Binary function
212. qChi2 <Binary function> qChi2(p, k) 5.0 Chi-squared distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) - Binary function
213. rFSned <Binary function> rFSned(d1, d2) 5.1 Random variable - Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Binary function
214. if <Ternary function> if(cond, expr-if-true, expr-if-false) 1.0 If - Ternary function
215. chi <Ternary function> chi(x, a, b) 1.0 Characteristic function for x in (a,b) - Ternary function
216. CHi <Ternary function> CHi(x, a, b) 1.0 Characteristic function for x in [a,b] - Ternary function
217. Chi <Ternary function> Chi(x, a, b) 1.0 Characteristic function for x in [a,b) - Ternary function
218. cHi <Ternary function> cHi(x, a, b) 1.0 Characteristic function for x in (a,b] - Ternary function
219. pUni <Ternary function> pUni(x, a, b) 3.0 Uniform continuous distribution - Probability distribution function U(a,b) - Ternary function
220. cUni <Ternary function> cUni(a, a, b) 3.0 Uniform continuous distribution - Cumulative distribution function U(a,b) - Ternary function
221. qUni <Ternary function> qUni(q, a, b) 3.0 Uniform continuous distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) U(a,b) - Ternary function
222. pNor <Ternary function> pNor(x, mean, stdv) 3.0 Normal distribution - Probability distribution function N(μ,σ) - Ternary function
223. cNor <Ternary function> cNor(x, mean, stdv) 3.0 Normal distribution - Cumulative distribution function N(μ,σ) - Ternary function
224. qNor <Ternary function> qNor(q, mean, stdv) 3.0 Normal distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) N(μ,σ) - Ternary function
225. dig <Ternary function> dig(num, pos, base) 4.1 Digit at position 1 ... n (left -> right) or 0 ... -(n-1) (right -> left) - numeral system with given base - Ternary function
226. BetaInc <Ternary function> BetaInc(x, a, b) 4.2 The incomplete Beta, also called the incomplete Euler integral of the first kind - Special function B(x,a,b) - Ternary function
227. BetaI <Ternary function> BetaI(x, a, b) 4.2 The regularized incomplete Beta (or regularized beta), also called the regularized incomplete Euler integral of the first kind - Special function I(x,a,b) - Ternary function
228. BetaReg <Ternary function> BetaReg(x, a, b) 4.2 The regularized incomplete Beta (or regularized beta), also called the regularized incomplete Euler integral of the first kind - Special function I(x,a,b) - Ternary function
229. pFSned <Ternary function> pFSned(x, d1, d2) 5.1 Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Probability distribution function - Ternary function
230. cFSned <Ternary function> cFSned(x, d1, d2) 5.1 Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Cumulative distribution function - Ternary function
231. qFSned <Ternary function> qFSned(p, d1, d2) 5.1 Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) - Ternary function
232. iff <Variadic function> iff(cond-1, expr-1; ... ; cond-n, expr-n) 1.0 If function - Variadic function
233. min <Variadic function> min(a1, ..., an) 1.0 Minimum - Variadic function
234. max <Variadic function> max(a1, ..., an) 1.0 Maximum - Variadic function
235. ConFrac <Variadic function> ConFrac(a1, ..., an) 1.0 Continued fraction - Variadic function
236. ConPol <Variadic function> ConPol(a1, ..., an) 1.0 Continued polynomial - Variadic function
237. gcd <Variadic function> gcd(a1, ..., an) 1.0 Greatest common divisor - Variadic function
238. lcm <Variadic function> lcm(a1, ..., an) 1.0 Least common multiple - Variadic function
239. add <Variadic function> add(a1, ..., an) 2.4 Summation - Variadic function
240. multi <Variadic function> multi(a1, ..., an) 2.4 Multiplication - Variadic function
241. mean <Variadic function> mean(a1, ..., an) 2.4 Mean / average value - Variadic function
242. var <Variadic function> var(a1, ..., an) 2.4 Bias-corrected sample variance - Variadic function
243. std <Variadic function> std(a1, ..., an) 2.4 Bias-corrected sample standard deviation - Variadic function
244. rList <Variadic function> rList(a1, ..., an) 3.0 Random number from a given list of numbers - Variadic function
245. coalesce <Variadic function> coalesce(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Returns the first non-NaN value - Variadic function
246. or <Variadic function> or(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Logical disjunction (OR) - variadic - Variadic function
247. and <Variadic function> and(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Logical conjunction (AND) - variadic - Variadic function
248. xor <Variadic function> xor(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Exclusive or (XOR) - variadic - Variadic function
249. argmin <Variadic function> argmin(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Arguments / indices of the minima - Variadic function
250. argmax <Variadic function> argmax(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Arguments / indices of the maxima - Variadic function
251. med <Variadic function> med(a1, ..., an) 4.1 The sample median - Variadic function
252. mode <Variadic function> mode(a1, ..., an) 4.1 Mode - the value that appears most often - Variadic function
253. base <Variadic function> base(b, d1, ..., dn) 4.1 Returns number in given numeral system base represented by list of digits - Variadic function
254. ndist <Variadic function> ndist(v1, ..., vn) 4.1 Number of distinct values - Variadic function
255. ∑ <Calculus operator> ∑(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
256. Σ <Calculus operator> Σ(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
257. sum <Calculus operator> sum(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 1.0 Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator
258. ∏ <Calculus operator> ∏(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
259. ℿ <Calculus operator> ℿ(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
260. Π <Calculus operator> Π(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 5.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
261. prod <Calculus operator> prod(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 1.0 Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator
262. ∫ <Calculus operator> ∫(expr, arg, from, to) 5.0 Definite integral ∫ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
263. int <Calculus operator> int(expr, arg, from, to) 1.0 Definite integral ∫ - Calculus operator
264. ∂ <Calculus operator> ∂(expr, arg, <point>) 5.0 Derivative ∂ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
265. der <Calculus operator> der(expr, arg, <point>) 1.0 Derivative ∂ - Calculus operator
266. ∂- <Calculus operator> ∂-(expr, arg, <point>) 5.0 Left derivative ∂- - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
267. der- <Calculus operator> der-(expr, arg, <point>) 1.0 Left derivative ∂- - Calculus operator
268. ∂+ <Calculus operator> ∂+(expr, arg, <point>) 5.0 Right derivative ∂+ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
269. der+ <Calculus operator> der+(expr, arg, <point>) 1.0 Right derivative ∂+ - Calculus operator
270. dern <Calculus operator> dern(expr, n, arg) 1.0 n-th derivative ∂ⁿ - Calculus operator
271. ∆ <Calculus operator> ∆(expr, arg, <delta>) 5.0 Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
272. Δ <Calculus operator> Δ(expr, arg, <delta>) 5.0 Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
273. diff <Calculus operator> diff(expr, arg, <delta>) 1.0 Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator
274. ∇ <Calculus operator> ∇(expr, arg, <delta>) 5.0 Backward difference ∇ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
275. difb <Calculus operator> difb(expr, arg, <delta>) 1.0 Backward difference ∇ - Calculus operator
276. avg <Calculus operator> avg(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 2.4 Average - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
277. vari <Calculus operator> vari(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 2.4 Bias-corrected sample variance - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
278. stdi <Calculus operator> stdi(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 2.4 Bias-corrected sample standard deviation - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
279. mini <Calculus operator> mini(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 2.4 Minimum value - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
280. maxi <Calculus operator> maxi(i, from, to, expr, <by>) 2.4 Maximum value - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
281. solve <Calculus operator> solve(expr, arg, from, to) 4.0 Equation solving (root finding) f(x)=0 - Calculus operator
282. π <Constant value> π 5.0 Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
283. ℼ <Constant value> ℼ 5.0 Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
284. pi <Constant value> pi 1.0 Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value
285. e <Constant value> e 1.0 Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value
286. ℯ <Constant value> ℯ 5.0 Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
287. ⅇ <Constant value> ⅇ 5.0 Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
288. [gam] <Constant value> [gam] 1.0 Euler-Mascheroni constant - Mathematical constant γ - Constant value
289. [phi] <Constant value> [phi] 1.0 Golden ratio - Mathematical constant φ - Constant value
290. [PN] <Constant value> [PN] 1.0 Plastic constant - Mathematical constant ρ - Constant value
291. [B*] <Constant value> [B*] 1.0 Embree-Trefethen constant - Mathematical constant β* - Constant value
292. [F'd] <Constant value> [F'd] 1.0 Feigenbaum delta constant - Mathematical constant δ - Constant value
293. [F'a] <Constant value> [F'a] 1.0 Feigenbaum alpha constant - Mathematical constant α - Constant value
294. [C2] <Constant value> [C2] 1.0 Twin prime constant - Mathematical constant ∏₂ - Constant value
295. [M1] <Constant value> [M1] 1.0 Meissel-Mertens constant - Mathematical constant M₁, B₁ - Constant value
296. [B2] <Constant value> [B2] 1.0 Brun's constant for twin primes - Mathematical constant B₂ - Constant value
297. [B4] <Constant value> [B4] 1.0 Brun's constant for prime quadruplets - Mathematical constant B₄ - Constant value
298. [BN'L] <Constant value> [BN'L] 1.0 de Bruijn-Newman constant - Mathematical constant Λ - Constant value
299. [Kat] <Constant value> [Kat] 1.0 Catalan's constant - Mathematical constant G - Constant value
300. [K*] <Constant value> [K*] 1.0 Landau-Ramanujan constant - Mathematical constant b - Constant value
301. [K.] <Constant value> [K.] 1.0 Viswanath's constant - Mathematical constant V - Constant value
302. [B'L] <Constant value> [B'L] 1.0 Legendre's constant - Mathematical constant B - Constant value
303. [RS'm] <Constant value> [RS'm] 1.0 Ramanujan-Soldner constant - Mathematical constant μ - Constant value
304. [EB'e] <Constant value> [EB'e] 1.0 Erdos-Borwein constant - Mathematical constant E - Constant value
305. [Bern] <Constant value> [Bern] 1.0 Bernstein's constant - Mathematical constant β - Constant value
306. [GKW'l] <Constant value> [GKW'l] 1.0 Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing constant - Mathematical constant λ - Constant value
307. [HSM's] <Constant value> [HSM's] 1.0 Hafner-Sarnak-McCurley constant - Mathematical constant σ - Constant value
308. [lm] <Constant value> [lm] 1.0 Golomb-Dickman constant - Mathematical constant λ - Constant value
309. [Cah] <Constant value> [Cah] 1.0 Cahen's constant - Mathematical constant C - Constant value
310. [Ll] <Constant value> [Ll] 1.0 Laplace limit constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
311. [AG] <Constant value> [AG] 1.0 Alladi-Grinstead constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
312. [L*] <Constant value> [L*] 1.0 Lengyel's constant - Mathematical constant Λ - Constant value
313. [L.] <Constant value> [L.] 1.0 Levy's constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
314. [Dz3] <Constant value> [Dz3] 1.0 Apery's constant - Mathematical constant ζ(3) - Constant value
315. [A3n] <Constant value> [A3n] 1.0 Mills' constant - Mathematical constant A - Constant value
316. [Bh] <Constant value> [Bh] 1.0 Backhouse's constant - Mathematical constant B - Constant value
317. [Pt] <Constant value> [Pt] 1.0 Porter's constant - Mathematical constant C - Constant value
318. [L2] <Constant value> [L2] 1.0 Lieb's square ice constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
319. [Nv] <Constant value> [Nv] 1.0 Niven's constant - Mathematical constant C - Constant value
320. [Ks] <Constant value> [Ks] 1.0 Sierpinski's constant - Mathematical constant K - Constant value
321. [Kh] <Constant value> [Kh] 1.0 Khinchin's constant - Mathematical constant K₀ - Constant value
322. [FR] <Constant value> [FR] 1.0 Fransen-Robinson constant - Mathematical constant F - Constant value
323. [La] <Constant value> [La] 1.0 Landau's constant - Mathematical constant L - Constant value
324. [P2] <Constant value> [P2] 1.0 Parabolic constant - Mathematical constant P - Constant value
325. [Om] <Constant value> [Om] 1.0 Omega constant - Mathematical constant Ω - Constant value
326. [MRB] <Constant value> [MRB] 1.0 MRB constant - Mathematical constant S - Constant value
327. [li2] <Constant value> [li2] 2.3 Logarithmic integral at point 2 - Mathematical constant li(2) - Constant value
328. [EG] <Constant value> [EG] 2.3 Gompertz constant - Mathematical constant δ - Constant value
329. [c] <Constant value> [c] 4.0 Light speed in vacuum - Physical constant c [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Constant value
330. [G.] <Constant value> [G.] 4.0 Gravitational constant - Physical constant G (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Constant value
331. [g] <Constant value> [g] 4.0 Gravitational acceleration on Earth - Physical constant g [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Constant value
332. [hP] <Constant value> [hP] 4.0 Planck constant - Physical constant h (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Constant value
333. [h-] <Constant value> [h-] 4.0 Reduced Planck constant (Dirac constant) - Physical constant ħ (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Constant value
334. [lP] <Constant value> [lP] 4.0 Planck length - Physical constant lᵖ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
335. [mP] <Constant value> [mP] 4.0 Planck mass - Physical constant mᵖ [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
336. [tP] <Constant value> [tP] 4.0 Planck time - Physical constant tᵖ [s] (s=1) - Constant value
337. [ly] <Constant value> [ly] 4.0 Light year - Astronomical constant ly [m] (m=1) - Constant value
338. [au] <Constant value> [au] 4.0 Astronomical unit - Astronomical constant au, AU [m] (m=1) - Constant value
339. [pc] <Constant value> [pc] 4.0 Parsec - Astronomical constant pc [m] (m=1) - Constant value
340. [kpc] <Constant value> [kpc] 4.0 Kiloparsec - Astronomical constant kpc [m] (m=1) - Constant value
341. [Earth-R-eq] <Constant value> [Earth-R-eq] 4.0 Earth equatorial radius - Astronomical constant Rª⊕ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
342. [Earth-R-po] <Constant value> [Earth-R-po] 4.0 Earth polar radius - Astronomical constant Rᵇ⊕ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
343. [Earth-R] <Constant value> [Earth-R] 4.0 Earth mean radius - Astronomical constant R⊕ (m=1) - Constant value
344. [Earth-M] <Constant value> [Earth-M] 4.0 Earth mass - Astronomical constant M⊕ [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
345. [Earth-D] <Constant value> [Earth-D] 4.0 Earth-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
346. [Moon-R] <Constant value> [Moon-R] 4.0 Moon mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
347. [Moon-M] <Constant value> [Moon-M] 4.0 Moon mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
348. [Moon-D] <Constant value> [Moon-D] 4.0 Moon-Earth distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
349. [Solar-R] <Constant value> [Solar-R] 4.0 Solar mean radius - Astronomical constant R☉ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
350. [Solar-M] <Constant value> [Solar-M] 4.0 Solar mass - Astronomical constant M☉ [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
351. [Mercury-R] <Constant value> [Mercury-R] 4.0 Mercury mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
352. [Mercury-M] <Constant value> [Mercury-M] 4.0 Mercury mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
353. [Mercury-D] <Constant value> [Mercury-D] 4.0 Mercury-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
354. [Venus-R] <Constant value> [Venus-R] 4.0 Venus mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
355. [Venus-M] <Constant value> [Venus-M] 4.0 Venus mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
356. [Venus-D] <Constant value> [Venus-D] 4.0 Venus-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
357. [Mars-R] <Constant value> [Mars-R] 4.0 Mars mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
358. [Mars-M] <Constant value> [Mars-M] 4.0 Mars mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
359. [Mars-D] <Constant value> [Mars-D] 4.0 Mars-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
360. [Jupiter-R] <Constant value> [Jupiter-R] 4.0 Jupiter mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
361. [Jupiter-M] <Constant value> [Jupiter-M] 4.0 Jupiter mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
362. [Jupiter-D] <Constant value> [Jupiter-D] 4.0 Jupiter-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
363. [Saturn-R] <Constant value> [Saturn-R] 4.0 Saturn mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
364. [Saturn-M] <Constant value> [Saturn-M] 4.0 Saturn mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
365. [Saturn-D] <Constant value> [Saturn-D] 4.0 Saturn-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
366. [Uranus-R] <Constant value> [Uranus-R] 4.0 Uranus mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
367. [Uranus-M] <Constant value> [Uranus-M] 4.0 Uranus mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
368. [Uranus-D] <Constant value> [Uranus-D] 4.0 Uranus-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
369. [Neptune-R] <Constant value> [Neptune-R] 4.0 Neptune mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
370. [Neptune-M] <Constant value> [Neptune-M] 4.0 Neptune mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
371. [Neptune-D] <Constant value> [Neptune-D] 4.0 Neptune-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
372. [true] <Constant value> [true] 4.1 Boolean True represented as 1 (true=1) - Constant value
373. [false] <Constant value> [false] 4.1 Boolean False represented as 0 (false=0) - Constant value
374. [NaN] <Constant value> [NaN] 4.1 Not-a-Number - Constant value
375. [Uni] <Random variable> [Uni] 3.0 Uniform continuous distribution U(0,1) - Random variable
376. [Int] <Random variable> [Int] 3.0 Random integer - Random variable
377. [Int1] <Random variable> [Int1] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10¹,10¹} - Random variable
378. [Int2] <Random variable> [Int2] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10²,10²} - Random variable
379. [Int3] <Random variable> [Int3] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10³,10³} - Random variable
380. [Int4] <Random variable> [Int4] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁴,10⁴} - Random variable
381. [Int5] <Random variable> [Int5] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁵,10⁵} - Random variable
382. [Int6] <Random variable> [Int6] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁶,10⁶} - Random variable
383. [Int7] <Random variable> [Int7] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁷,10⁷} - Random variable
384. [Int8] <Random variable> [Int8] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁸,10⁸} - Random variable
385. [Int9] <Random variable> [Int9] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁹,10⁹} - Random variable
386. [nat] <Random variable> [nat] 3.0 Random natural number including 0 - Random variable
387. [nat1] <Random variable> [nat1] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10¹} - Random variable
388. [nat2] <Random variable> [nat2] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10²} - Random variable
389. [nat3] <Random variable> [nat3] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10³} - Random variable
390. [nat4] <Random variable> [nat4] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁴} - Random variable
391. [nat5] <Random variable> [nat5] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁵} - Random variable
392. [nat6] <Random variable> [nat6] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁶} - Random variable
393. [nat7] <Random variable> [nat7] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁷} - Random variable
394. [nat8] <Random variable> [nat8] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁸} - Random variable
395. [nat9] <Random variable> [nat9] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁹} - Random variable
396. [Nat] <Random variable> [Nat] 3.0 Random natural number - Random variable
397. [Nat1] <Random variable> [Nat1] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10¹} - Random variable
398. [Nat2] <Random variable> [Nat2] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10²} - Random variable
399. [Nat3] <Random variable> [Nat3] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10³} - Random variable
400. [Nat4] <Random variable> [Nat4] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁴} - Random variable
401. [Nat5] <Random variable> [Nat5] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁵} - Random variable
402. [Nat6] <Random variable> [Nat6] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁶} - Random variable
403. [Nat7] <Random variable> [Nat7] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁷} - Random variable
404. [Nat8] <Random variable> [Nat8] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁸} - Random variable
405. [Nat9] <Random variable> [Nat9] 3.0 Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁹} - Random variable
406. [Nor] <Random variable> [Nor] 3.0 Normal distribution N(0,1) - Random variable
407. @~ <Bitwise operator> @~a 4.0 Bitwise unary complement - Bitwise operator
408. @& <Bitwise operator> a @& b 4.0 Bitwise and AND - Bitwise operator
409. @^ <Bitwise operator> a @^ b 4.0 Bitwise exclusive or XOR - Bitwise operator
410. @| <Bitwise operator> a @| b 4.0 Bitwise inclusive or OR - Bitwise operator
411. @<< <Bitwise operator> a @<< b 4.0 Signed left shift - Bitwise operator
412. @>> <Bitwise operator> a @>> b 4.0 Signed right shift - Bitwise operator
413. [%] <Unit> [%] 4.0 Percentage - Ratio / Fraction = 0.01 - Dimensionless unit
414. [%%] <Unit> [%%] 4.0 Promil, Per mille - Ratio / Fraction = 0.001 - Dimensionless unit
415. [Y] <Unit> [Y] 4.0 Septillion / Yotta - Metric prefix = 10²⁴ - Dimensionless unit
416. [sept] <Unit> [sept] 4.0 Septillion / Yotta - Metric prefix = 10²⁴ - Dimensionless unit
417. [Z] <Unit> [Z] 4.0 Sextillion / Zetta - Metric prefix = 10²¹ - Dimensionless unit
418. [sext] <Unit> [sext] 4.0 Sextillion / Zetta - Metric prefix = 10²¹ - Dimensionless unit
419. [E] <Unit> [E] 4.0 Quintillion / Exa - Metric prefix = 10¹⁸ - Dimensionless unit
420. [quint] <Unit> [quint] 4.0 Quintillion / Exa - Metric prefix = 10¹⁸ - Dimensionless unit
421. [P] <Unit> [P] 4.0 Quadrillion / Peta - Metric prefix = 10¹⁵ - Dimensionless unit
422. [quad] <Unit> [quad] 4.0 Quadrillion / Peta - Metric prefix = 10¹⁵ - Dimensionless unit
423. [T] <Unit> [T] 4.0 Trillion / Tera - Metric prefix = 10¹² - Dimensionless unit
424. [tril] <Unit> [tril] 4.0 Trillion / Tera - Metric prefix = 10¹² - Dimensionless unit
425. [G] <Unit> [G] 4.0 Billion / Giga - Metric prefix = 10⁹ - Dimensionless unit
426. [bil] <Unit> [bil] 4.0 Billion / Giga - Metric prefix = 10⁹ - Dimensionless unit
427. [M] <Unit> [M] 4.0 Million / Mega - Metric prefix = 10⁶ - Dimensionless unit
428. [mil] <Unit> [mil] 4.0 Million / Mega - Metric prefix = 10⁶ - Dimensionless unit
429. [k] <Unit> [k] 4.0 Thousand / Kilo - Metric prefix = 10³ - Dimensionless unit
430. [th] <Unit> [th] 4.0 Thousand / Kilo - Metric prefix = 10³ - Dimensionless unit
431. [hund] <Unit> [hund] 4.0 Hundred / Hecto - Metric prefix = 10² - Dimensionless unit
432. [hecto] <Unit> [hecto] 4.0 Hundred / Hecto - Metric prefix = 10² - Dimensionless unit
433. [ten] <Unit> [ten] 4.0 Ten / Deca - Metric prefix = 10 - Dimensionless unit
434. [deca] <Unit> [deca] 4.0 Ten / Deca - Metric prefix = 10 - Dimensionless unit
435. [deci] <Unit> [deci] 4.0 Tenth / Deci - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹ - Dimensionless unit
436. [centi] <Unit> [centi] 4.0 Hundredth / Centi - Metric prefix = 10⁻² - Dimensionless unit
437. [milli] <Unit> [milli] 4.0 Thousandth / Milli - Metric prefix = 10⁻³ - Dimensionless unit
438. [mic] <Unit> [mic] 4.0 Millionth / Micro - Metric prefix = 10⁻⁶ - Dimensionless unit
439. [n] <Unit> [n] 4.0 Billionth / Nano - Metric prefix = 10⁻⁹ - Dimensionless unit
440. [p] <Unit> [p] 4.0 Trillionth / Pico - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹² - Dimensionless unit
441. [f] <Unit> [f] 4.0 Quadrillionth / Femto - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹⁵ - Dimensionless unit
442. [a] <Unit> [a] 4.0 Quintillionth / Atoo - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹⁸ - Dimensionless unit
443. [z] <Unit> [z] 4.0 Sextillionth / Zepto - Metric prefix = 10⁻²¹ - Dimensionless unit
444. [y] <Unit> [y] 4.0 Septillionth / Yocto - Metric prefix = 10⁻²⁴ - Dimensionless unit
445. [m] <Unit> [m] 4.0 Meter - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
446. [km] <Unit> [km] 4.0 Kilometer - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
447. [cm] <Unit> [cm] 4.0 Centimeter - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
448. [mm] <Unit> [mm] 4.0 Millimeter - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
449. [inch] <Unit> [inch] 4.0 Inch - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
450. [yd] <Unit> [yd] 4.0 Yard - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
451. [ft] <Unit> [ft] 4.0 Feet - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
452. [mile] <Unit> [mile] 4.0 Mile - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
453. [nmi] <Unit> [nmi] 4.0 Nautical mile - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
454. [m2] <Unit> [m2] 4.0 Square meter - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
455. [cm2] <Unit> [cm2] 4.0 Square centimeter - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
456. [mm2] <Unit> [mm2] 4.0 Square millimeter - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
457. [are] <Unit> [are] 4.0 Are - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
458. [ha] <Unit> [ha] 4.0 Hectare - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
459. [acre] <Unit> [acre] 4.0 Acre - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
460. [km2] <Unit> [km2] 4.0 Square kilometer - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
461. [mm3] <Unit> [mm3] 4.0 Cubic millimeter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
462. [cm3] <Unit> [cm3] 4.0 Cubic centimeter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
463. [m3] <Unit> [m3] 4.0 Cubic meter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
464. [km3] <Unit> [km3] 4.0 Cubic kilometer - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
465. [ml] <Unit> [ml] 4.0 Milliliter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
466. [l] <Unit> [l] 4.0 Liter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
467. [gall] <Unit> [gall] 4.0 Gallon - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
468. [pint] <Unit> [pint] 4.0 Pint - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
469. [s] <Unit> [s] 4.0 Second - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
470. [ms] <Unit> [ms] 4.0 Millisecond - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
471. [min] <Unit> [min] 4.0 Minute - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
472. [h] <Unit> [h] 4.0 Hour - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
473. [day] <Unit> [day] 4.0 Day - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
474. [week] <Unit> [week] 4.0 Week - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
475. [yearj] <Unit> [yearj] 4.0 Julian year = 365.25 days - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
476. [kg] <Unit> [kg] 4.0 Kilogram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
477. [gr] <Unit> [gr] 4.0 Gram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
478. [mg] <Unit> [mg] 4.0 Milligram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
479. [dag] <Unit> [dag] 4.0 Decagram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
480. [t] <Unit> [t] 4.0 Tonne - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
481. [oz] <Unit> [oz] 4.0 Ounce - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
482. [lb] <Unit> [lb] 4.0 Pound - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
483. [b] <Unit> [b] 4.0 Bit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
484. [kb] <Unit> [kb] 4.0 Kilobit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
485. [Mb] <Unit> [Mb] 4.0 Megabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
486. [Gb] <Unit> [Gb] 4.0 Gigabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
487. [Tb] <Unit> [Tb] 4.0 Terabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
488. [Pb] <Unit> [Pb] 4.0 Petabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
489. [Eb] <Unit> [Eb] 4.0 Exabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
490. [Zb] <Unit> [Zb] 4.0 Zettabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
491. [Yb] <Unit> [Yb] 4.0 Yottabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
492. [B] <Unit> [B] 4.0 Byte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
493. [kB] <Unit> [kB] 4.0 Kilobyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
494. [MB] <Unit> [MB] 4.0 Megabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
495. [GB] <Unit> [GB] 4.0 Gigabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
496. [TB] <Unit> [TB] 4.0 Terabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
497. [PB] <Unit> [PB] 4.0 Petabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
498. [EB] <Unit> [EB] 4.0 Exabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
499. [ZB] <Unit> [ZB] 4.0 Zettabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
500. [YB] <Unit> [YB] 4.0 Yottabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
501. [J] <Unit> [J] 4.0 Joule - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
502. [eV] <Unit> [eV] 4.0 Electronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
503. [keV] <Unit> [keV] 4.0 Kiloelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
504. [MeV] <Unit> [MeV] 4.0 Megaelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
505. [GeV] <Unit> [GeV] 4.0 Gigaelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
506. [TeV] <Unit> [TeV] 4.0 Teraelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
507. [m/s] <Unit> [m/s] 4.0 Meter per second - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
508. [km/h] <Unit> [km/h] 4.0 Kilometer per hour - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
509. [mi/h] <Unit> [mi/h] 4.0 Mile per hour - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
510. [knot] <Unit> [knot] 4.0 Knot - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
511. [m/s2] <Unit> [m/s2] 4.0 Meter per square second - Unit of acceleration [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
512. [km/h2] <Unit> [km/h2] 4.0 Kilometer per square hour - Unit of acceleration [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
513. [mi/h2] <Unit> [mi/h2] 4.0 Mile per square hour - Unit of acceleration [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
514. [rad] <Unit> [rad] 4.0 Radian - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
515. [deg] <Unit> [deg] 4.0 Degree of arc - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
516. ['] <Unit> ['] 4.0 Minute of arc - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
517. [''] <Unit> [''] 4.0 Second of arc - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
518. ( <Parser symbol> ( ... ) 1.0 Left parentheses - Parser symbol
519. ) <Parser symbol> ( ... ) 1.0 Right parentheses - Parser symbol
520. , <Parser symbol> (a1, ... ,an) 1.0 Comma (function parameters) - Parser symbol
521. ; <Parser symbol> (a1; ... ;an) 1.0 Semicolon (function parameters) - Parser symbol
522. <Parser symbol> 4.2 Blank (whitespace) character - Parser symbol
Case 2: In-line help searching – “sine” simple keyword
[mXparser-v.5.2.0] Help content limited to query: 'sine'
# Keyword Type Syntax Since Description
- -------- ---- ------ ----- -----------
1. sin <Unary function> sin(x) 1.0 Trigonometric sine - Unary function
2. cos <Unary function> cos(x) 1.0 Trigonometric cosine - Unary function
3. asin <Unary function> asin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
4. arsin <Unary function> arsin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
5. arcsin <Unary function> arcsin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
6. acos <Unary function> acos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
7. arcos <Unary function> arcos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
8. arccos <Unary function> arccos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
9. sinh <Unary function> sinh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic sine - Unary function
10. cosh <Unary function> cosh(x) 1.0 Hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
11. asinh <Unary function> asinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
12. arsinh <Unary function> arsinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
13. arcsinh <Unary function> arcsinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
14. acosh <Unary function> acosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
15. arcosh <Unary function> arcosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
16. arccosh <Unary function> arccosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
Case 3: Advanced help searching – “desc=inver” query
[mXparser-v.5.2.0] Help content limited to query: 'desc=inver'
# Keyword Type Syntax Since Description
- -------- ---- ------ ----- -----------
1. asin <Unary function> asin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
2. arsin <Unary function> arsin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
3. arcsin <Unary function> arcsin(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
4. acos <Unary function> acos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
5. arcos <Unary function> arcos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
6. arccos <Unary function> arccos(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
7. atg <Unary function> atg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
8. atan <Unary function> atan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
9. arctg <Unary function> arctg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
10. arctan <Unary function> arctan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
11. actg <Unary function> actg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
12. acot <Unary function> acot(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
13. actan <Unary function> actan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
14. arcctg <Unary function> arcctg(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
15. arccot <Unary function> arccot(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
16. arcctan <Unary function> arcctan(x) 1.0 Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
17. asinh <Unary function> asinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
18. arsinh <Unary function> arsinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
19. arcsinh <Unary function> arcsinh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
20. acosh <Unary function> acosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
21. arcosh <Unary function> arcosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
22. arccosh <Unary function> arccosh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
23. atgh <Unary function> atgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
24. atanh <Unary function> atanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
25. arctgh <Unary function> arctgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
26. arctanh <Unary function> arctanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
27. acoth <Unary function> acoth(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
28. actgh <Unary function> actgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
29. actanh <Unary function> actanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
30. arcoth <Unary function> arcoth(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
31. arccoth <Unary function> arccoth(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
32. arcctgh <Unary function> arcctgh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
33. arcctanh <Unary function> arcctanh(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
34. asech <Unary function> asech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
35. arsech <Unary function> arsech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
36. arcsech <Unary function> arcsech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
37. acsch <Unary function> acsch(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
38. arcsch <Unary function> arcsch(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
39. arccsch <Unary function> arccsch(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
40. acosech <Unary function> acosech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
41. arcosech <Unary function> arcosech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
42. arccosech <Unary function> arccosech(x) 1.0 Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
43. erfInv <Unary function> erfInv(x) 3.0 Inverse Gauss error - Special function erf⁻¹(y) - Unary function
44. erfcInv <Unary function> erfcInv(x) 3.0 Inverse Gauss complementary error - Special function erfc⁻¹(x) - Unary function
45. arcsec <Unary function> arcsec(x) 4.1 Inverse trigonometric secant - Unary function
46. arccsc <Unary function> arccsc(x) 4.1 Inverse trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
Your own (user defined) constants, functions, arguments, will appear in the help content as well.
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