Using internal help


The tutorial consists of more than 200 live examples from 50 sections given separately for JAVA, C# and C++. Each of the examples can be copied and run on your own environment. In addition, mXparser provides an extensive collection of over 500 built-in math functions, expressions and symbols. Familiarize yourself with the scope and the syntax. Live testing is the best way to learn. Good luck! 🙂

Tutorial Math Collection API spec Download

Below is the code for JAVA, C# (the code for C# is almost identical) and C++. To copy the code, double-click inside the frame.

You may also be interested in the following tutorial sections:

Case 1: Full help

Java/C# code
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
C++ code
#include "org/mariuszgromada/math/mxparser.hpp"
// ...

Case 2: In-line help searching – “sine” simple keyword

For a basic in-line search, simply provide a word (e.g.: "sine") in the query parameter.
Java/C# code
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
C++ code
#include "org/mariuszgromada/math/mxparser.hpp"
// ...

Case 3: Advanced help searching – “desc=inver” query

Advanced search is also possible, please use one of the tags below when formatting the query parameter:
  • "key=" – keyword (e.g.: "key=sin")
  • "desc=" – description (e.g.: "desc=trigonometric"),
  • "syn=" – syntax (e.g.: "syn=sin")
  • "type=" – type (e.g.: "type=unit")
  • "since=" – since (e.g.: "since=4.1")
  • "typeid=" – please refer to parser tokens (e.g.: "typeid=3")
  • "keyid=" – please refer to parser tokens (e.g.: "keyid=1004").

Only one tag can be used per search.

Java/C# code
// JAVA: import org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser.*;
// C#: using org.mariuszgromada.math.mxparser;
// ...
C++ code
#include "org/mariuszgromada/math/mxparser.hpp"
// ...

Code result

Case 1: Full help

[mXparser-v.5.2.0] All help content.
  #  Keyword             Type                    Syntax                                        Since Description
  -  --------            ----                    ------                                        ----- -----------
  1. Number literal      <Number>                -2, 0.2, -002.1, 2.3e10, -.212, 1_2, 2_1_3, b1.111, b2.1001, h.af1,...1.0   Number literal: Integer (Since 1.0): 1, -2; Decimal (Since 1.0): 0.2, -0.3, 1.2; Leading zero (Since 4.1): 001, -002.1; Scientific notation (Since 4.2): 1.2e-10, 1.2e+10, 2.3E10; No leading zero (Since 4.2): .2, -.212; Fractions (Since 4.2): 1_2, 2_1_3, -14_3; Other numeral systems (Since 4.1): b1.111, b2.1001, b3.12021, -b16.af12, h.af1, -b.1001, o.0127;
  2. +                   <Operator>              a + b                                         1.0   Addition - Operator
  3. -                   <Operator>              a - b                                         1.0   Subtraction - Operator
  4. *                   <Operator>              a * b                                         1.0   Multiplication - Operator
  5. ×                   <Operator>              a × b                                         5.0   Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
  6. ⨉                   <Operator>              a ⨉ b                                         5.0   Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
  7. ∙                   <Operator>              a ∙ b                                         5.0   Multiplication - Operator - Unicode math symbol
  8. /                   <Operator>              a / b                                         1.0   Division - Operator
  9. ÷                   <Operator>              a ÷ b                                         5.0   Division - Operator - Unicode math symbol
 10. ^                   <Operator>              a^b                                           1.0   Exponentiation - Operator
 11. !                   <Operator>              n!                                            1.0   Factorial - Operator
 12. #                   <Operator>              a # b                                         1.0   Modulo - Operator
 13. %                   <Operator>              n%                                            4.1   Percentage - Operator
 14. ^^                  <Operator>              a^^b                                          4.2   Tetration (hyper-4, power tower, exponential tower) - Operator
 15. √                   <Operator>              √x                                            5.0   Square root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
 16. ∛                   <Operator>              ∛x                                            5.0   Cube root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
 17. ∜                   <Operator>              ∜x                                            5.0   Fourth root - Operator - Unicode math symbol
 18. &                   <Boolean operator>      p & q                                         1.0   Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator
 19. ∧                   <Boolean operator>      p ∧ q                                         5.0   Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 20. &&                  <Boolean operator>      p && q                                        1.0   Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator
 21. /\                  <Boolean operator>      p /\ q                                        1.0   Logical conjunction AND - Boolean operator
 22. ⊼                   <Boolean operator>      p ⊼ q                                         5.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 23. ~&                  <Boolean operator>      p ~& q                                        1.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator
 24. ~∧                  <Boolean operator>      p ~∧ q                                        5.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 25. ¬&                  <Boolean operator>      p ¬& q                                        5.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 26. ¬∧                  <Boolean operator>      p ¬∧ q                                        5.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 27. ~&&                 <Boolean operator>      p ~&& q                                       1.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator
 28. ~/\                 <Boolean operator>      p ~/\ q                                       1.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator
 29. ¬&&                 <Boolean operator>      p ¬&& q                                       5.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 30. ¬/\                 <Boolean operator>      p ¬/\ q                                       5.0   Sheffer stroke NAND - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 31. |                   <Boolean operator>      p | q                                         1.0   Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator
 32. ∨                   <Boolean operator>      p ∨ q                                         5.0   Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 33. ||                  <Boolean operator>      p || q                                        1.0   Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator
 34. \/                  <Boolean operator>      p \/ q                                        1.0   Logical disjunction OR - Boolean operator
 35. ⊽                   <Boolean operator>      p ⊽ q                                         5.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 36. ~|                  <Boolean operator>      p ~| q                                        1.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator
 37. ~∨                  <Boolean operator>      p ~∨ q                                        5.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 38. ¬|                  <Boolean operator>      p ¬| q                                        5.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 39. ¬∨                  <Boolean operator>      p ¬∨ q                                        5.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 40. ~||                 <Boolean operator>      p ~|| q                                       1.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator
 41. ~\/                 <Boolean operator>      p ~\/ q                                       1.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator
 42. ¬||                 <Boolean operator>      p ¬|| q                                       5.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 43. ¬\/                 <Boolean operator>      p ¬\/ q                                       5.0   Logical not or (joint denial) NOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 44. ⊻                   <Boolean operator>      p ⊻ q                                         5.0   Exclusive or XOR - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 45. (+)                 <Boolean operator>      p (+) q                                       1.0   Exclusive or XOR - Boolean operator
 46. ⇒                   <Boolean operator>      p ⇒ q                                         5.0   Implication IMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 47. -->                 <Boolean operator>      p --> q                                       1.0   Implication IMP - Boolean operator
 48. ⇐                   <Boolean operator>      p ⇐ q                                         5.0   Converse implication CIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 49. <--                 <Boolean operator>      p <-- q                                       1.0   Converse implication CIMP - Boolean operator
 50. ⇏                   <Boolean operator>      p ⇏ q                                         5.0   Material nonimplication NIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 51. -/>                 <Boolean operator>      p -/> q                                       1.0   Material nonimplication NIMP - Boolean operator
 52. ⇍                   <Boolean operator>      p ⇍ q                                         5.0   Converse nonimplication CNIMP - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 53. </-                 <Boolean operator>      p </- q                                       1.0   Converse nonimplication CNIMP - Boolean operator
 54. ⇔                   <Boolean operator>      p ⇔ q                                         5.0   Logical biconditional EQV - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 55. <->                 <Boolean operator>      p <-> q                                       1.0   Logical biconditional EQV - Boolean operator
 56. ~                   <Boolean operator>      ~p                                            1.0   Negation - Boolean operator
 57. ¬                   <Boolean operator>      ¬p                                            5.0   Negation - Boolean operator - Unicode math symbol
 58. =                   <Binary relation>       a = b                                         1.0   Equality - Binary relation
 59. ==                  <Binary relation>       a == b                                        1.0   Equality - Binary relation
 60. ≠                   <Binary relation>       a ≠ b                                         5.0   Inequation - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
 61. <>                  <Binary relation>       a <> b                                        1.0   Inequation - Binary relation
 62. ~=                  <Binary relation>       a ~= b                                        1.0   Inequation - Binary relation
 63. !=                  <Binary relation>       a != b                                        1.0   Inequation - Binary relation
 64. <                   <Binary relation>       a < b                                         1.0   Lower than - Binary relation
 65. >                   <Binary relation>       a > b                                         1.0   Greater than - Binary relation
 66. ≤                   <Binary relation>       a ≤ b                                         5.0   Lower or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
 67. ⋜                   <Binary relation>       a ⋜ b                                         5.0   Lower or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
 68. <=                  <Binary relation>       a <= b                                        1.0   Lower or equal - Binary relation
 69. ≥                   <Binary relation>       a ≥ b                                         5.0   Greater or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
 70. ⋝                   <Binary relation>       a ⋝ b                                         5.0   Greater or equal - Binary relation - Unicode math symbol
 71. >=                  <Binary relation>       a >= b                                        1.0   Greater or equal - Binary relation
 72. sin                 <Unary function>        sin(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric sine - Unary function
 73. cos                 <Unary function>        cos(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric cosine - Unary function
 74. tg                  <Unary function>        tg(x)                                         1.0   Trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 75. tan                 <Unary function>        tan(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 76. ctg                 <Unary function>        ctg(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 77. cot                 <Unary function>        cot(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 78. ctan                <Unary function>        ctan(x)                                       1.0   Trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 79. sec                 <Unary function>        sec(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric secant - Unary function
 80. csc                 <Unary function>        csc(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
 81. cosec               <Unary function>        cosec(x)                                      1.0   Trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
 82. asin                <Unary function>        asin(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
 83. arsin               <Unary function>        arsin(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
 84. arcsin              <Unary function>        arcsin(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
 85. acos                <Unary function>        acos(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
 86. arcos               <Unary function>        arcos(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
 87. arccos              <Unary function>        arccos(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
 88. atg                 <Unary function>        atg(x)                                        1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 89. atan                <Unary function>        atan(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 90. arctg               <Unary function>        arctg(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 91. arctan              <Unary function>        arctan(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 92. actg                <Unary function>        actg(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 93. acot                <Unary function>        acot(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 94. actan               <Unary function>        actan(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 95. arcctg              <Unary function>        arcctg(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 96. arccot              <Unary function>        arccot(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 97. arcctan             <Unary function>        arcctan(x)                                    1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 98. ln                  <Unary function>        ln(x)                                         1.0   Natural logarithm (base e) - Unary function
 99. log2                <Unary function>        log2(x)                                       1.0   Binary logarithm (base 2) - Unary function
100. lg                  <Unary function>        lg(x)                                         5.0   Common logarithm (base 10) - Unary function
101. log10               <Unary function>        log10(x)                                      1.0   Common logarithm (base 10) - Unary function
102. rad                 <Unary function>        rad(x)                                        1.0   Degrees to radians - Unary function
103. exp                 <Unary function>        exp(x)                                        1.0   Exponential - Unary function
104. sqrt                <Unary function>        sqrt(x)                                       1.0   Squre root - Unary function
105. sinh                <Unary function>        sinh(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic sine - Unary function
106. cosh                <Unary function>        cosh(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
107. tgh                 <Unary function>        tgh(x)                                        1.0   Hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
108. tanh                <Unary function>        tanh(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
109. coth                <Unary function>        coth(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
110. ctgh                <Unary function>        ctgh(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
111. ctanh               <Unary function>        ctanh(x)                                      1.0   Hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
112. sech                <Unary function>        sech(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic secant - Unary function
113. csch                <Unary function>        csch(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
114. cosech              <Unary function>        cosech(x)                                     1.0   Hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
115. deg                 <Unary function>        deg(x)                                        1.0   Radians to degrees - Unary function
116. abs                 <Unary function>        abs(x)                                        1.0   Absolut value - Unary function
117. sgn                 <Unary function>        sgn(x)                                        1.0   Signum - Unary function
118. floor               <Unary function>        floor(x)                                      1.0   Floor - Unary function
119. ceil                <Unary function>        ceil(x)                                       1.0   Ceiling - Unary function
120. not                 <Unary function>        not(x)                                        1.0   Negation - Unary function
121. asinh               <Unary function>        asinh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
122. arsinh              <Unary function>        arsinh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
123. arcsinh             <Unary function>        arcsinh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
124. acosh               <Unary function>        acosh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
125. arcosh              <Unary function>        arcosh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
126. arccosh             <Unary function>        arccosh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
127. atgh                <Unary function>        atgh(x)                                       1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
128. atanh               <Unary function>        atanh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
129. arctgh              <Unary function>        arctgh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
130. arctanh             <Unary function>        arctanh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
131. acoth               <Unary function>        acoth(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
132. actgh               <Unary function>        actgh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
133. actanh              <Unary function>        actanh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
134. arcoth              <Unary function>        arcoth(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
135. arccoth             <Unary function>        arccoth(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
136. arcctgh             <Unary function>        arcctgh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
137. arcctanh            <Unary function>        arcctanh(x)                                   1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
138. asech               <Unary function>        asech(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
139. arsech              <Unary function>        arsech(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
140. arcsech             <Unary function>        arcsech(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
141. acsch               <Unary function>        acsch(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
142. arcsch              <Unary function>        arcsch(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
143. arccsch             <Unary function>        arccsch(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
144. acosech             <Unary function>        acosech(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
145. arcosech            <Unary function>        arcosech(x)                                   1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
146. arccosech           <Unary function>        arccosech(x)                                  1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
147. Sa                  <Unary function>        Sa(x)                                         1.0   Sinc (normalized) - Unary function
148. sinc                <Unary function>        sinc(x)                                       1.0   Sinc (normalized) - Unary function
149. Sinc                <Unary function>        Sinc(x)                                       1.0   Sinc (unnormalized) - Unary function
150. Bell                <Unary function>        Bell(n)                                       1.0   Bell number - Unary function
151. Luc                 <Unary function>        Luc(n)                                        1.0   Lucas number - Unary function
152. Fib                 <Unary function>        Fib(n)                                        1.0   Fibonacci number - Unary function
153. harm                <Unary function>        harm(n)                                       1.0   Harmonic number - Unary function
154. ispr                <Unary function>        ispr(n)                                       2.3   Prime number test (is number a prime?) - Unary function
155. Pi                  <Unary function>        Pi(n)                                         2.3   Prime-counting π(n) - Unary function
156. Ei                  <Unary function>        Ei(x)                                         2.3   Exponential integral - Special function Ei(x) - Unary function
157. li                  <Unary function>        li(x)                                         2.3   Logarithmic integral - Special function li(x) - Unary function
158. Li                  <Unary function>        Li(x)                                         2.3   Offset logarithmic integral - Special function Li(x) - Unary function
159. erf                 <Unary function>        erf(x)                                        3.0   Gauss error - Special function erf(x) - Unary function
160. erfc                <Unary function>        erfc(x)                                       3.0   Gauss complementary error - Special function erfc(x) - Unary function
161. erfInv              <Unary function>        erfInv(x)                                     3.0   Inverse Gauss error - Special function erf⁻¹(y) - Unary function
162. erfcInv             <Unary function>        erfcInv(x)                                    3.0   Inverse Gauss complementary error - Special function erfc⁻¹(x) - Unary function
163. ulp                 <Unary function>        ulp(x)                                        3.0   Unit in The Last Place - Unary function
164. isNaN               <Unary function>        isNaN(x)                                      4.1   Returns true if value is a Not-a-Number (NaN), false otherwise (true=1, false=1) - Unary function
165. ndig10              <Unary function>        ndig10(x)                                     4.1   Number of digits in numeral system with base 10 - Unary function
166. nfact               <Unary function>        nfact(x)                                      4.1   Prime decomposition - number of distinct prime factors - Unary function
167. arcsec              <Unary function>        arcsec(x)                                     4.1   Inverse trigonometric secant - Unary function
168. arccsc              <Unary function>        arccsc(x)                                     4.1   Inverse trigonometric cosecant - Unary function
169. Gamma               <Unary function>        Gamma(x)                                      4.2   Gamma - Special function Γ(s) - Unary function
170. LambW0              <Unary function>        LambW0(x)                                     4.2   Lambert-W, principal branch 0, also called the omega or product logarithm - Special function W₀(x) - Unary function
171. LambW1              <Unary function>        LambW1(x)                                     4.2   Lambert-W, branch -1, also called the omega or product logarithm - Special function W₋₁(x) - Unary function
172. sgnGamma            <Unary function>        sgnGamma(x)                                   4.2   Signum of Gamma - Special function Γ(s) - Unary function
173. logGamma            <Unary function>        logGamma(x)                                   4.2   Log Gamma - Special function lnΓ(s) - Unary function
174. diGamma             <Unary function>        diGamma(x)                                    4.2   Digamma as the logarithmic derivative of the Gamma - Special function ψ(x) - Unary function
175. rStud               <Unary function>        rStud(v)                                      5.0   Random variable - Student's t-distribution - Unary function
176. rChi2               <Unary function>        rChi2(k)                                      5.0   Random variable - Chi-squared distribution - Unary function
177. log                 <Binary function>       log(a, b)                                     1.0   Logarithm - Binary function
178. mod                 <Binary function>       mod(a, b)                                     1.0   Modulo - Binary function
179. C                   <Binary function>       C(n, k)                                       1.0   Binomial coefficient, number of k-combinations that can be drawn from n-elements set - Binary function
180. nCk                 <Binary function>       nCk(n, k)                                     4.2   Binomial coefficient, number of k-combinations that can be drawn from n-elements set - Binary function
181. Bern                <Binary function>       Bern(m, n)                                    1.0   Bernoulli numbers - Binary function
182. Stirl1              <Binary function>       Stirl1(n, k)                                  1.0   Stirling numbers of the first kind - Binary function
183. Stirl2              <Binary function>       Stirl2(n, k)                                  1.0   Stirling numbers of the second kind - Binary function
184. Worp                <Binary function>       Worp(n, k)                                    1.0   Worpitzky number - Binary function
185. Euler               <Binary function>       Euler(n, k)                                   1.0   Euler number - Binary function
186. KDelta              <Binary function>       KDelta(i, j)                                  1.0   Kronecker delta - Binary function
187. EulerPol            <Binary function>       EulerPol(m, x)                                1.0   Euler polynomial - Binary function
188. Harm                <Binary function>       Harm(x, n)                                    1.0   Harmonic number - Binary function
189. rUni                <Binary function>       rUni(a, b)                                    3.0   Random variable - Uniform continuous distribution U(a,b) - Binary function
190. rUnid               <Binary function>       rUnid(a, b)                                   3.0   Random variable - Uniform discrete distribution U{a,b} - Binary function
191. round               <Binary function>       round(x, n)                                   3.0   Half-up rounding - Binary function
192. rNor                <Binary function>       rNor(mean, stdv)                              3.0   Random variable - Normal distribution N(μ,σ) - Binary function
193. ndig                <Binary function>       ndig(number, base)                            4.1   Number of digits representing the number in numeral system with given base - Binary function
194. dig10               <Binary function>       dig10(num, pos)                               4.1   Digit at position 1 ... n (left -> right) or 0 ... -(n-1) (right -> left) - base 10 numeral system - Binary function
195. factval             <Binary function>       factval(number, factorid)                     4.1   Prime decomposition - factor value at position between 1 ... nfact(n) - ascending order by factor value - Binary function
196. factexp             <Binary function>       factexp(number, factorid)                     4.1   Prime decomposition - factor exponent / multiplicity at position between 1 ... nfact(n) - ascending order by factor value - Binary function
197. root                <Binary function>       root(rootorder, number)                       4.1   N-th order root of a number - Binary function
198. GammaL              <Binary function>       GammaL(s, x)                                  4.2   Lower incomplete gamma - Special function γ(s,x) - Binary function
199. GammaU              <Binary function>       GammaU(s, x)                                  4.2   Upper incomplete Gamma - Special function Γ(s,x) - Binary function
200. GammaP              <Binary function>       GammaP(s, x)                                  4.2   Lower regularized P gamma - Special function P(s,x) - Binary function
201. GammaRegL           <Binary function>       GammaRegL(s, x)                               4.2   Lower regularized P gamma - Special function P(s,x) - Binary function
202. GammaQ              <Binary function>       GammaQ(s, x)                                  4.2   Upper regularized Q Gamma - Special function Q(s,x) - Binary function
203. GammaRegU           <Binary function>       GammaRegU(s, x)                               4.2   Upper regularized Q Gamma - Special function Q(s,x) - Binary function
204. nPk                 <Binary function>       nPk(n, k)                                     4.2   Number of k-permutations that can be drawn from n-elements set - Binary function
205. Beta                <Binary function>       Beta(x, y)                                    4.2   The Beta, also called the Euler integral of the first kind - Special function B(x,y) - Binary function
206. logBeta             <Binary function>       logBeta(x, y)                                 4.2   The Log Beta, also called the Log Euler integral of the first kind - Special function lnB(x,y) - Binary function
207. pStud               <Binary function>       pStud(x, v)                                   5.0   Student's t-distribution - Probability distribution function - Binary function
208. cStud               <Binary function>       cStud(x, v)                                   5.0   Student's t-distribution - Cumulative distribution function - Binary function
209. qStud               <Binary function>       qStud(p, v)                                   5.0   Student's t-distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) - Binary function
210. pChi2               <Binary function>       pChi2(x, k)                                   5.0   Chi-squared distribution - Probability distribution function - Binary function
211. cChi2               <Binary function>       cChi2(x, k)                                   5.0   Chi-squared distribution - Cumulative distribution function - Binary function
212. qChi2               <Binary function>       qChi2(p, k)                                   5.0   Chi-squared distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) - Binary function
213. rFSned              <Binary function>       rFSned(d1, d2)                                5.1   Random variable - Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Binary function
214. if                  <Ternary function>      if(cond, expr-if-true, expr-if-false)         1.0   If - Ternary function
215. chi                 <Ternary function>      chi(x, a, b)                                  1.0   Characteristic function for x in (a,b) - Ternary function
216. CHi                 <Ternary function>      CHi(x, a, b)                                  1.0   Characteristic function for x in [a,b] - Ternary function
217. Chi                 <Ternary function>      Chi(x, a, b)                                  1.0   Characteristic function for x in [a,b) - Ternary function
218. cHi                 <Ternary function>      cHi(x, a, b)                                  1.0   Characteristic function for x in (a,b] - Ternary function
219. pUni                <Ternary function>      pUni(x, a, b)                                 3.0   Uniform continuous distribution - Probability distribution function U(a,b) - Ternary function
220. cUni                <Ternary function>      cUni(a, a, b)                                 3.0   Uniform continuous distribution - Cumulative distribution function U(a,b) - Ternary function
221. qUni                <Ternary function>      qUni(q, a, b)                                 3.0   Uniform continuous distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) U(a,b) - Ternary function
222. pNor                <Ternary function>      pNor(x, mean, stdv)                           3.0   Normal distribution - Probability distribution function N(μ,σ) - Ternary function
223. cNor                <Ternary function>      cNor(x, mean, stdv)                           3.0   Normal distribution - Cumulative distribution function N(μ,σ) - Ternary function
224. qNor                <Ternary function>      qNor(q, mean, stdv)                           3.0   Normal distribution - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) N(μ,σ) - Ternary function
225. dig                 <Ternary function>      dig(num, pos, base)                           4.1   Digit at position 1 ... n (left -> right) or 0 ... -(n-1) (right -> left) - numeral system with given base - Ternary function
226. BetaInc             <Ternary function>      BetaInc(x, a, b)                              4.2   The incomplete Beta, also called the incomplete Euler integral of the first kind - Special function B(x,a,b) - Ternary function
227. BetaI               <Ternary function>      BetaI(x, a, b)                                4.2   The regularized incomplete Beta (or regularized beta), also called the regularized incomplete Euler integral of the first kind - Special function I(x,a,b) - Ternary function
228. BetaReg             <Ternary function>      BetaReg(x, a, b)                              4.2   The regularized incomplete Beta (or regularized beta), also called the regularized incomplete Euler integral of the first kind - Special function I(x,a,b) - Ternary function
229. pFSned              <Ternary function>      pFSned(x, d1, d2)                             5.1   Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Probability distribution function - Ternary function
230. cFSned              <Ternary function>      cFSned(x, d1, d2)                             5.1   Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Cumulative distribution function - Ternary function
231. qFSned              <Ternary function>      qFSned(p, d1, d2)                             5.1   Snedecor's F distribution (F-distribution or F-ratio, also known as Fisher–Snedecor distribution) - Quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution function) - Ternary function
232. iff                 <Variadic function>     iff(cond-1, expr-1; ... ; cond-n, expr-n)     1.0   If function - Variadic function
233. min                 <Variadic function>     min(a1, ..., an)                              1.0   Minimum - Variadic function
234. max                 <Variadic function>     max(a1, ..., an)                              1.0   Maximum - Variadic function
235. ConFrac             <Variadic function>     ConFrac(a1, ..., an)                          1.0   Continued fraction - Variadic function
236. ConPol              <Variadic function>     ConPol(a1, ..., an)                           1.0   Continued polynomial - Variadic function
237. gcd                 <Variadic function>     gcd(a1, ..., an)                              1.0   Greatest common divisor - Variadic function
238. lcm                 <Variadic function>     lcm(a1, ..., an)                              1.0   Least common multiple - Variadic function
239. add                 <Variadic function>     add(a1, ..., an)                              2.4   Summation - Variadic function
240. multi               <Variadic function>     multi(a1, ..., an)                            2.4   Multiplication - Variadic function
241. mean                <Variadic function>     mean(a1, ..., an)                             2.4   Mean / average value - Variadic function
242. var                 <Variadic function>     var(a1, ..., an)                              2.4   Bias-corrected sample variance - Variadic function
243. std                 <Variadic function>     std(a1, ..., an)                              2.4   Bias-corrected sample standard deviation - Variadic function
244. rList               <Variadic function>     rList(a1, ..., an)                            3.0   Random number from a given list of numbers - Variadic function
245. coalesce            <Variadic function>     coalesce(a1, ..., an)                         4.1   Returns the first non-NaN value - Variadic function
246. or                  <Variadic function>     or(a1, ..., an)                               4.1   Logical disjunction (OR) - variadic - Variadic function
247. and                 <Variadic function>     and(a1, ..., an)                              4.1   Logical conjunction (AND) - variadic - Variadic function
248. xor                 <Variadic function>     xor(a1, ..., an)                              4.1   Exclusive or (XOR) - variadic - Variadic function
249. argmin              <Variadic function>     argmin(a1, ..., an)                           4.1   Arguments / indices of the minima - Variadic function
250. argmax              <Variadic function>     argmax(a1, ..., an)                           4.1   Arguments / indices of the maxima - Variadic function
251. med                 <Variadic function>     med(a1, ..., an)                              4.1   The sample median - Variadic function
252. mode                <Variadic function>     mode(a1, ..., an)                             4.1   Mode - the value that appears most often - Variadic function
253. base                <Variadic function>     base(b, d1, ..., dn)                          4.1   Returns number in given numeral system base represented by list of digits - Variadic function
254. ndist               <Variadic function>     ndist(v1, ..., vn)                            4.1   Number of distinct values - Variadic function
255. ∑                   <Calculus operator>     ∑(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                    5.0   Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
256. Σ                   <Calculus operator>     Σ(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                    5.0   Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
257. sum                 <Calculus operator>     sum(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                  1.0   Summation SIGMA - Iterated operator Σ - Calculus operator
258. ∏                   <Calculus operator>     ∏(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                    5.0   Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
259. ℿ                   <Calculus operator>     ℿ(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                    5.0   Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
260. Π                   <Calculus operator>     Π(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                    5.0   Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
261. prod                <Calculus operator>     prod(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                 1.0   Product PI - Iterated operator ∏ - Calculus operator
262. ∫                   <Calculus operator>     ∫(expr, arg, from, to)                        5.0   Definite integral ∫ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
263. int                 <Calculus operator>     int(expr, arg, from, to)                      1.0   Definite integral ∫ - Calculus operator
264. ∂                   <Calculus operator>     ∂(expr, arg, <point>)                         5.0   Derivative ∂ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
265. der                 <Calculus operator>     der(expr, arg, <point>)                       1.0   Derivative ∂ - Calculus operator
266. ∂-                  <Calculus operator>     ∂-(expr, arg, <point>)                        5.0   Left derivative ∂- - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
267. der-                <Calculus operator>     der-(expr, arg, <point>)                      1.0   Left derivative ∂- - Calculus operator
268. ∂+                  <Calculus operator>     ∂+(expr, arg, <point>)                        5.0   Right derivative ∂+ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
269. der+                <Calculus operator>     der+(expr, arg, <point>)                      1.0   Right derivative ∂+ - Calculus operator
270. dern                <Calculus operator>     dern(expr, n, arg)                            1.0   n-th derivative ∂ⁿ - Calculus operator
271. ∆                   <Calculus operator>     ∆(expr, arg, <delta>)                         5.0   Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
272. Δ                   <Calculus operator>     Δ(expr, arg, <delta>)                         5.0   Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
273. diff                <Calculus operator>     diff(expr, arg, <delta>)                      1.0   Forward difference ∆ - Calculus operator
274. ∇                   <Calculus operator>     ∇(expr, arg, <delta>)                         5.0   Backward difference ∇ - Calculus operator - Unicode math symbol
275. difb                <Calculus operator>     difb(expr, arg, <delta>)                      1.0   Backward difference ∇ - Calculus operator
276. avg                 <Calculus operator>     avg(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                  2.4   Average - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
277. vari                <Calculus operator>     vari(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                 2.4   Bias-corrected sample variance - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
278. stdi                <Calculus operator>     stdi(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                 2.4   Bias-corrected sample standard deviation - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
279. mini                <Calculus operator>     mini(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                 2.4   Minimum value - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
280. maxi                <Calculus operator>     maxi(i, from, to, expr, <by>)                 2.4   Maximum value - Iterated operator - Calculus operator
281. solve               <Calculus operator>     solve(expr, arg, from, to)                    4.0   Equation solving (root finding) f(x)=0 - Calculus operator
282. π                   <Constant value>        π                                             5.0   Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
283. ℼ                   <Constant value>        ℼ                                             5.0   Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
284. pi                  <Constant value>        pi                                            1.0   Pi, Archimedes' or Ludolph's number - Mathematical constant π - Constant value
285. e                   <Constant value>        e                                             1.0   Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value
286. ℯ                   <Constant value>        ℯ                                             5.0   Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
287. ⅇ                   <Constant value>        ⅇ                                             5.0   Napier's or Euler's number (base of Natural logarithm) - Mathematical constant e - Constant value - Unicode math symbol
288. [gam]               <Constant value>        [gam]                                         1.0   Euler-Mascheroni constant - Mathematical constant γ - Constant value
289. [phi]               <Constant value>        [phi]                                         1.0   Golden ratio - Mathematical constant φ - Constant value
290. [PN]                <Constant value>        [PN]                                          1.0   Plastic constant - Mathematical constant ρ - Constant value
291. [B*]                <Constant value>        [B*]                                          1.0   Embree-Trefethen constant - Mathematical constant β* - Constant value
292. [F'd]               <Constant value>        [F'd]                                         1.0   Feigenbaum delta constant - Mathematical constant δ - Constant value
293. [F'a]               <Constant value>        [F'a]                                         1.0   Feigenbaum alpha constant - Mathematical constant α - Constant value
294. [C2]                <Constant value>        [C2]                                          1.0   Twin prime constant - Mathematical constant ∏₂ - Constant value
295. [M1]                <Constant value>        [M1]                                          1.0   Meissel-Mertens constant - Mathematical constant M₁, B₁ - Constant value
296. [B2]                <Constant value>        [B2]                                          1.0   Brun's constant for twin primes - Mathematical constant B₂ - Constant value
297. [B4]                <Constant value>        [B4]                                          1.0   Brun's constant for prime quadruplets - Mathematical constant B₄ - Constant value
298. [BN'L]              <Constant value>        [BN'L]                                        1.0   de Bruijn-Newman constant - Mathematical constant Λ - Constant value
299. [Kat]               <Constant value>        [Kat]                                         1.0   Catalan's constant - Mathematical constant G - Constant value
300. [K*]                <Constant value>        [K*]                                          1.0   Landau-Ramanujan constant - Mathematical constant b - Constant value
301. [K.]                <Constant value>        [K.]                                          1.0   Viswanath's constant - Mathematical constant V - Constant value
302. [B'L]               <Constant value>        [B'L]                                         1.0   Legendre's constant - Mathematical constant B - Constant value
303. [RS'm]              <Constant value>        [RS'm]                                        1.0   Ramanujan-Soldner constant - Mathematical constant μ - Constant value
304. [EB'e]              <Constant value>        [EB'e]                                        1.0   Erdos-Borwein constant - Mathematical constant E - Constant value
305. [Bern]              <Constant value>        [Bern]                                        1.0   Bernstein's constant - Mathematical constant β - Constant value
306. [GKW'l]             <Constant value>        [GKW'l]                                       1.0   Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing constant - Mathematical constant λ - Constant value
307. [HSM's]             <Constant value>        [HSM's]                                       1.0   Hafner-Sarnak-McCurley constant - Mathematical constant σ - Constant value
308. [lm]                <Constant value>        [lm]                                          1.0   Golomb-Dickman constant - Mathematical constant λ - Constant value
309. [Cah]               <Constant value>        [Cah]                                         1.0   Cahen's constant - Mathematical constant C - Constant value
310. [Ll]                <Constant value>        [Ll]                                          1.0   Laplace limit constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
311. [AG]                <Constant value>        [AG]                                          1.0   Alladi-Grinstead constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
312. [L*]                <Constant value>        [L*]                                          1.0   Lengyel's constant - Mathematical constant Λ - Constant value
313. [L.]                <Constant value>        [L.]                                          1.0   Levy's constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
314. [Dz3]               <Constant value>        [Dz3]                                         1.0   Apery's constant - Mathematical constant ζ(3) - Constant value
315. [A3n]               <Constant value>        [A3n]                                         1.0   Mills' constant - Mathematical constant A - Constant value
316. [Bh]                <Constant value>        [Bh]                                          1.0   Backhouse's constant - Mathematical constant B - Constant value
317. [Pt]                <Constant value>        [Pt]                                          1.0   Porter's constant - Mathematical constant C - Constant value
318. [L2]                <Constant value>        [L2]                                          1.0   Lieb's square ice constant - Mathematical constant - Constant value
319. [Nv]                <Constant value>        [Nv]                                          1.0   Niven's constant - Mathematical constant C - Constant value
320. [Ks]                <Constant value>        [Ks]                                          1.0   Sierpinski's constant - Mathematical constant K - Constant value
321. [Kh]                <Constant value>        [Kh]                                          1.0   Khinchin's constant - Mathematical constant K₀ - Constant value
322. [FR]                <Constant value>        [FR]                                          1.0   Fransen-Robinson constant - Mathematical constant F - Constant value
323. [La]                <Constant value>        [La]                                          1.0   Landau's constant - Mathematical constant L - Constant value
324. [P2]                <Constant value>        [P2]                                          1.0   Parabolic constant - Mathematical constant P - Constant value
325. [Om]                <Constant value>        [Om]                                          1.0   Omega constant - Mathematical constant Ω - Constant value
326. [MRB]               <Constant value>        [MRB]                                         1.0   MRB constant - Mathematical constant S - Constant value
327. [li2]               <Constant value>        [li2]                                         2.3   Logarithmic integral at point 2 - Mathematical constant li(2) - Constant value
328. [EG]                <Constant value>        [EG]                                          2.3   Gompertz constant - Mathematical constant δ - Constant value
329. [c]                 <Constant value>        [c]                                           4.0   Light speed in vacuum - Physical constant c [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Constant value
330. [G.]                <Constant value>        [G.]                                          4.0   Gravitational constant - Physical constant G (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Constant value
331. [g]                 <Constant value>        [g]                                           4.0   Gravitational acceleration on Earth - Physical constant g [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Constant value
332. [hP]                <Constant value>        [hP]                                          4.0   Planck constant - Physical constant h (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Constant value
333. [h-]                <Constant value>        [h-]                                          4.0   Reduced Planck constant (Dirac constant) - Physical constant ħ (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Constant value
334. [lP]                <Constant value>        [lP]                                          4.0   Planck length - Physical constant lᵖ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
335. [mP]                <Constant value>        [mP]                                          4.0   Planck mass - Physical constant mᵖ [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
336. [tP]                <Constant value>        [tP]                                          4.0   Planck time - Physical constant tᵖ [s] (s=1) - Constant value
337. [ly]                <Constant value>        [ly]                                          4.0   Light year - Astronomical constant ly [m] (m=1) - Constant value
338. [au]                <Constant value>        [au]                                          4.0   Astronomical unit - Astronomical constant au, AU [m] (m=1) - Constant value
339. [pc]                <Constant value>        [pc]                                          4.0   Parsec - Astronomical constant pc [m] (m=1) - Constant value
340. [kpc]               <Constant value>        [kpc]                                         4.0   Kiloparsec - Astronomical constant kpc [m] (m=1) - Constant value
341. [Earth-R-eq]        <Constant value>        [Earth-R-eq]                                  4.0   Earth equatorial radius - Astronomical constant Rª⊕ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
342. [Earth-R-po]        <Constant value>        [Earth-R-po]                                  4.0   Earth polar radius - Astronomical constant Rᵇ⊕ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
343. [Earth-R]           <Constant value>        [Earth-R]                                     4.0   Earth mean radius - Astronomical constant R⊕ (m=1) - Constant value
344. [Earth-M]           <Constant value>        [Earth-M]                                     4.0   Earth mass - Astronomical constant M⊕ [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
345. [Earth-D]           <Constant value>        [Earth-D]                                     4.0   Earth-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
346. [Moon-R]            <Constant value>        [Moon-R]                                      4.0   Moon mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
347. [Moon-M]            <Constant value>        [Moon-M]                                      4.0   Moon mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
348. [Moon-D]            <Constant value>        [Moon-D]                                      4.0   Moon-Earth distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
349. [Solar-R]           <Constant value>        [Solar-R]                                     4.0   Solar mean radius - Astronomical constant R☉ [m] (m=1) - Constant value
350. [Solar-M]           <Constant value>        [Solar-M]                                     4.0   Solar mass - Astronomical constant M☉ [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
351. [Mercury-R]         <Constant value>        [Mercury-R]                                   4.0   Mercury mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
352. [Mercury-M]         <Constant value>        [Mercury-M]                                   4.0   Mercury mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
353. [Mercury-D]         <Constant value>        [Mercury-D]                                   4.0   Mercury-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
354. [Venus-R]           <Constant value>        [Venus-R]                                     4.0   Venus mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
355. [Venus-M]           <Constant value>        [Venus-M]                                     4.0   Venus mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
356. [Venus-D]           <Constant value>        [Venus-D]                                     4.0   Venus-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
357. [Mars-R]            <Constant value>        [Mars-R]                                      4.0   Mars mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
358. [Mars-M]            <Constant value>        [Mars-M]                                      4.0   Mars mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
359. [Mars-D]            <Constant value>        [Mars-D]                                      4.0   Mars-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
360. [Jupiter-R]         <Constant value>        [Jupiter-R]                                   4.0   Jupiter mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
361. [Jupiter-M]         <Constant value>        [Jupiter-M]                                   4.0   Jupiter mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
362. [Jupiter-D]         <Constant value>        [Jupiter-D]                                   4.0   Jupiter-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
363. [Saturn-R]          <Constant value>        [Saturn-R]                                    4.0   Saturn mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
364. [Saturn-M]          <Constant value>        [Saturn-M]                                    4.0   Saturn mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
365. [Saturn-D]          <Constant value>        [Saturn-D]                                    4.0   Saturn-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
366. [Uranus-R]          <Constant value>        [Uranus-R]                                    4.0   Uranus mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
367. [Uranus-M]          <Constant value>        [Uranus-M]                                    4.0   Uranus mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
368. [Uranus-D]          <Constant value>        [Uranus-D]                                    4.0   Uranus-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
369. [Neptune-R]         <Constant value>        [Neptune-R]                                   4.0   Neptune mean radius - Astronomical constant [m] (m=1) - Constant value
370. [Neptune-M]         <Constant value>        [Neptune-M]                                   4.0   Neptune mass - Astronomical constant [kg] (kg=1) - Constant value
371. [Neptune-D]         <Constant value>        [Neptune-D]                                   4.0   Neptune-Sun distance - Astronomical constant - Semi major axis [m] (m=1) - Constant value
372. [true]              <Constant value>        [true]                                        4.1   Boolean True represented as 1 (true=1) - Constant value
373. [false]             <Constant value>        [false]                                       4.1   Boolean False represented as 0 (false=0) - Constant value
374. [NaN]               <Constant value>        [NaN]                                         4.1   Not-a-Number - Constant value
375. [Uni]               <Random variable>       [Uni]                                         3.0   Uniform continuous distribution U(0,1) - Random variable
376. [Int]               <Random variable>       [Int]                                         3.0   Random integer - Random variable
377. [Int1]              <Random variable>       [Int1]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10¹,10¹} - Random variable
378. [Int2]              <Random variable>       [Int2]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10²,10²} - Random variable
379. [Int3]              <Random variable>       [Int3]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10³,10³} - Random variable
380. [Int4]              <Random variable>       [Int4]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁴,10⁴} - Random variable
381. [Int5]              <Random variable>       [Int5]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁵,10⁵} - Random variable
382. [Int6]              <Random variable>       [Int6]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁶,10⁶} - Random variable
383. [Int7]              <Random variable>       [Int7]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁷,10⁷} - Random variable
384. [Int8]              <Random variable>       [Int8]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁸,10⁸} - Random variable
385. [Int9]              <Random variable>       [Int9]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random integer U{-10⁹,10⁹} - Random variable
386. [nat]               <Random variable>       [nat]                                         3.0   Random natural number including 0 - Random variable
387. [nat1]              <Random variable>       [nat1]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10¹} - Random variable
388. [nat2]              <Random variable>       [nat2]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10²} - Random variable
389. [nat3]              <Random variable>       [nat3]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10³} - Random variable
390. [nat4]              <Random variable>       [nat4]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁴} - Random variable
391. [nat5]              <Random variable>       [nat5]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁵} - Random variable
392. [nat6]              <Random variable>       [nat6]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁶} - Random variable
393. [nat7]              <Random variable>       [nat7]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁷} - Random variable
394. [nat8]              <Random variable>       [nat8]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁸} - Random variable
395. [nat9]              <Random variable>       [nat9]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number including 0 U{0,10⁹} - Random variable
396. [Nat]               <Random variable>       [Nat]                                         3.0   Random natural number - Random variable
397. [Nat1]              <Random variable>       [Nat1]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10¹} - Random variable
398. [Nat2]              <Random variable>       [Nat2]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10²} - Random variable
399. [Nat3]              <Random variable>       [Nat3]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10³} - Random variable
400. [Nat4]              <Random variable>       [Nat4]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁴} - Random variable
401. [Nat5]              <Random variable>       [Nat5]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁵} - Random variable
402. [Nat6]              <Random variable>       [Nat6]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁶} - Random variable
403. [Nat7]              <Random variable>       [Nat7]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁷} - Random variable
404. [Nat8]              <Random variable>       [Nat8]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁸} - Random variable
405. [Nat9]              <Random variable>       [Nat9]                                        3.0   Uniform discrete distribution - Random natural number U{1,10⁹} - Random variable
406. [Nor]               <Random variable>       [Nor]                                         3.0   Normal distribution N(0,1) - Random variable
407. @~                  <Bitwise operator>      @~a                                           4.0   Bitwise unary complement - Bitwise operator
408. @&                  <Bitwise operator>      a @& b                                        4.0   Bitwise and AND - Bitwise operator
409. @^                  <Bitwise operator>      a @^ b                                        4.0   Bitwise exclusive or XOR - Bitwise operator
410. @|                  <Bitwise operator>      a @| b                                        4.0   Bitwise inclusive or OR - Bitwise operator
411. @<<                 <Bitwise operator>      a @<< b                                       4.0   Signed left shift - Bitwise operator
412. @>>                 <Bitwise operator>      a @>> b                                       4.0   Signed right shift - Bitwise operator
413. [%]                 <Unit>                  [%]                                           4.0   Percentage - Ratio / Fraction = 0.01 - Dimensionless unit
414. [%%]                <Unit>                  [%%]                                          4.0   Promil, Per mille - Ratio / Fraction = 0.001 - Dimensionless unit
415. [Y]                 <Unit>                  [Y]                                           4.0   Septillion / Yotta - Metric prefix = 10²⁴ - Dimensionless unit
416. [sept]              <Unit>                  [sept]                                        4.0   Septillion / Yotta - Metric prefix = 10²⁴ - Dimensionless unit
417. [Z]                 <Unit>                  [Z]                                           4.0   Sextillion / Zetta - Metric prefix = 10²¹ - Dimensionless unit
418. [sext]              <Unit>                  [sext]                                        4.0   Sextillion / Zetta - Metric prefix = 10²¹ - Dimensionless unit
419. [E]                 <Unit>                  [E]                                           4.0   Quintillion / Exa - Metric prefix = 10¹⁸ - Dimensionless unit
420. [quint]             <Unit>                  [quint]                                       4.0   Quintillion / Exa - Metric prefix = 10¹⁸ - Dimensionless unit
421. [P]                 <Unit>                  [P]                                           4.0   Quadrillion / Peta - Metric prefix = 10¹⁵ - Dimensionless unit
422. [quad]              <Unit>                  [quad]                                        4.0   Quadrillion / Peta - Metric prefix = 10¹⁵ - Dimensionless unit
423. [T]                 <Unit>                  [T]                                           4.0   Trillion / Tera - Metric prefix = 10¹² - Dimensionless unit
424. [tril]              <Unit>                  [tril]                                        4.0   Trillion / Tera - Metric prefix = 10¹² - Dimensionless unit
425. [G]                 <Unit>                  [G]                                           4.0   Billion / Giga - Metric prefix = 10⁹ - Dimensionless unit
426. [bil]               <Unit>                  [bil]                                         4.0   Billion / Giga - Metric prefix = 10⁹ - Dimensionless unit
427. [M]                 <Unit>                  [M]                                           4.0   Million / Mega - Metric prefix = 10⁶ - Dimensionless unit
428. [mil]               <Unit>                  [mil]                                         4.0   Million / Mega - Metric prefix = 10⁶ - Dimensionless unit
429. [k]                 <Unit>                  [k]                                           4.0   Thousand / Kilo - Metric prefix = 10³ - Dimensionless unit
430. [th]                <Unit>                  [th]                                          4.0   Thousand / Kilo - Metric prefix = 10³ - Dimensionless unit
431. [hund]              <Unit>                  [hund]                                        4.0   Hundred / Hecto - Metric prefix = 10² - Dimensionless unit
432. [hecto]             <Unit>                  [hecto]                                       4.0   Hundred / Hecto - Metric prefix = 10² - Dimensionless unit
433. [ten]               <Unit>                  [ten]                                         4.0   Ten / Deca - Metric prefix = 10 - Dimensionless unit
434. [deca]              <Unit>                  [deca]                                        4.0   Ten / Deca - Metric prefix = 10 - Dimensionless unit
435. [deci]              <Unit>                  [deci]                                        4.0   Tenth / Deci - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹ - Dimensionless unit
436. [centi]             <Unit>                  [centi]                                       4.0   Hundredth / Centi - Metric prefix = 10⁻² - Dimensionless unit
437. [milli]             <Unit>                  [milli]                                       4.0   Thousandth / Milli - Metric prefix = 10⁻³ - Dimensionless unit
438. [mic]               <Unit>                  [mic]                                         4.0   Millionth / Micro - Metric prefix = 10⁻⁶ - Dimensionless unit
439. [n]                 <Unit>                  [n]                                           4.0   Billionth / Nano - Metric prefix = 10⁻⁹ - Dimensionless unit
440. [p]                 <Unit>                  [p]                                           4.0   Trillionth / Pico - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹² - Dimensionless unit
441. [f]                 <Unit>                  [f]                                           4.0   Quadrillionth / Femto - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹⁵ - Dimensionless unit
442. [a]                 <Unit>                  [a]                                           4.0   Quintillionth / Atoo - Metric prefix = 10⁻¹⁸ - Dimensionless unit
443. [z]                 <Unit>                  [z]                                           4.0   Sextillionth / Zepto - Metric prefix = 10⁻²¹ - Dimensionless unit
444. [y]                 <Unit>                  [y]                                           4.0   Septillionth / Yocto - Metric prefix = 10⁻²⁴ - Dimensionless unit
445. [m]                 <Unit>                  [m]                                           4.0   Meter - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
446. [km]                <Unit>                  [km]                                          4.0   Kilometer - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
447. [cm]                <Unit>                  [cm]                                          4.0   Centimeter - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
448. [mm]                <Unit>                  [mm]                                          4.0   Millimeter - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
449. [inch]              <Unit>                  [inch]                                        4.0   Inch - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
450. [yd]                <Unit>                  [yd]                                          4.0   Yard - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
451. [ft]                <Unit>                  [ft]                                          4.0   Feet - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
452. [mile]              <Unit>                  [mile]                                        4.0   Mile - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
453. [nmi]               <Unit>                  [nmi]                                         4.0   Nautical mile - Unit of length [m] (m=1) - Unit
454. [m2]                <Unit>                  [m2]                                          4.0   Square meter - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
455. [cm2]               <Unit>                  [cm2]                                         4.0   Square centimeter - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
456. [mm2]               <Unit>                  [mm2]                                         4.0   Square millimeter - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
457. [are]               <Unit>                  [are]                                         4.0   Are - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
458. [ha]                <Unit>                  [ha]                                          4.0   Hectare - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
459. [acre]              <Unit>                  [acre]                                        4.0   Acre - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
460. [km2]               <Unit>                  [km2]                                         4.0   Square kilometer - Unit of area [m²] (m=1) - Unit
461. [mm3]               <Unit>                  [mm3]                                         4.0   Cubic millimeter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
462. [cm3]               <Unit>                  [cm3]                                         4.0   Cubic centimeter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
463. [m3]                <Unit>                  [m3]                                          4.0   Cubic meter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
464. [km3]               <Unit>                  [km3]                                         4.0   Cubic kilometer - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
465. [ml]                <Unit>                  [ml]                                          4.0   Milliliter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
466. [l]                 <Unit>                  [l]                                           4.0   Liter - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
467. [gall]              <Unit>                  [gall]                                        4.0   Gallon - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
468. [pint]              <Unit>                  [pint]                                        4.0   Pint - Unit of volume [m³] (m=1) - Unit
469. [s]                 <Unit>                  [s]                                           4.0   Second - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
470. [ms]                <Unit>                  [ms]                                          4.0   Millisecond - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
471. [min]               <Unit>                  [min]                                         4.0   Minute - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
472. [h]                 <Unit>                  [h]                                           4.0   Hour - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
473. [day]               <Unit>                  [day]                                         4.0   Day - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
474. [week]              <Unit>                  [week]                                        4.0   Week - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
475. [yearj]             <Unit>                  [yearj]                                       4.0   Julian year = 365.25 days - Unit of time [s] (s=1) - Unit
476. [kg]                <Unit>                  [kg]                                          4.0   Kilogram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
477. [gr]                <Unit>                  [gr]                                          4.0   Gram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
478. [mg]                <Unit>                  [mg]                                          4.0   Milligram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
479. [dag]               <Unit>                  [dag]                                         4.0   Decagram - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
480. [t]                 <Unit>                  [t]                                           4.0   Tonne - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
481. [oz]                <Unit>                  [oz]                                          4.0   Ounce - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
482. [lb]                <Unit>                  [lb]                                          4.0   Pound - Unit of mass [kg] (kg=1) - Unit
483. [b]                 <Unit>                  [b]                                           4.0   Bit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
484. [kb]                <Unit>                  [kb]                                          4.0   Kilobit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
485. [Mb]                <Unit>                  [Mb]                                          4.0   Megabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
486. [Gb]                <Unit>                  [Gb]                                          4.0   Gigabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
487. [Tb]                <Unit>                  [Tb]                                          4.0   Terabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
488. [Pb]                <Unit>                  [Pb]                                          4.0   Petabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
489. [Eb]                <Unit>                  [Eb]                                          4.0   Exabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
490. [Zb]                <Unit>                  [Zb]                                          4.0   Zettabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
491. [Yb]                <Unit>                  [Yb]                                          4.0   Yottabit - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
492. [B]                 <Unit>                  [B]                                           4.0   Byte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
493. [kB]                <Unit>                  [kB]                                          4.0   Kilobyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
494. [MB]                <Unit>                  [MB]                                          4.0   Megabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
495. [GB]                <Unit>                  [GB]                                          4.0   Gigabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
496. [TB]                <Unit>                  [TB]                                          4.0   Terabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
497. [PB]                <Unit>                  [PB]                                          4.0   Petabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
498. [EB]                <Unit>                  [EB]                                          4.0   Exabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
499. [ZB]                <Unit>                  [ZB]                                          4.0   Zettabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
500. [YB]                <Unit>                  [YB]                                          4.0   Yottabyte - Unit of information [bit] (bit=1) - Unit
501. [J]                 <Unit>                  [J]                                           4.0   Joule - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
502. [eV]                <Unit>                  [eV]                                          4.0   Electronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
503. [keV]               <Unit>                  [keV]                                         4.0   Kiloelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
504. [MeV]               <Unit>                  [MeV]                                         4.0   Megaelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
505. [GeV]               <Unit>                  [GeV]                                         4.0   Gigaelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
506. [TeV]               <Unit>                  [TeV]                                         4.0   Teraelectronovolt - Unit of energy [J] (m=1, kg=1, s=1) - Unit
507. [m/s]               <Unit>                  [m/s]                                         4.0   Meter per second - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
508. [km/h]              <Unit>                  [km/h]                                        4.0   Kilometer per hour - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
509. [mi/h]              <Unit>                  [mi/h]                                        4.0   Mile per hour - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
510. [knot]              <Unit>                  [knot]                                        4.0   Knot - Unit of speed [m/s] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
511. [m/s2]              <Unit>                  [m/s2]                                        4.0   Meter per square second - Unit of acceleration [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
512. [km/h2]             <Unit>                  [km/h2]                                       4.0   Kilometer per square hour - Unit of acceleration [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
513. [mi/h2]             <Unit>                  [mi/h2]                                       4.0   Mile per square hour - Unit of acceleration [m/s²] (m=1, s=1) - Unit
514. [rad]               <Unit>                  [rad]                                         4.0   Radian - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
515. [deg]               <Unit>                  [deg]                                         4.0   Degree of arc - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
516. [']                 <Unit>                  [']                                           4.0   Minute of arc - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
517. ['']                <Unit>                  ['']                                          4.0   Second of arc - Unit of angle [rad] (rad=1) - Unit
518. (                   <Parser symbol>         ( ... )                                       1.0   Left parentheses - Parser symbol
519. )                   <Parser symbol>         ( ... )                                       1.0   Right parentheses - Parser symbol
520. ,                   <Parser symbol>         (a1, ... ,an)                                 1.0   Comma (function parameters) - Parser symbol
521. ;                   <Parser symbol>         (a1; ... ;an)                                 1.0   Semicolon (function parameters) - Parser symbol
522.                     <Parser symbol>                                                       4.2   Blank (whitespace) character - Parser symbol

Case 2: In-line help searching – “sine” simple keyword

[mXparser-v.5.2.0] Help content limited to query: 'sine'
  #  Keyword             Type                    Syntax                                        Since Description
  -  --------            ----                    ------                                        ----- -----------
  1. sin                 <Unary function>        sin(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric sine - Unary function
  2. cos                 <Unary function>        cos(x)                                        1.0   Trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  3. asin                <Unary function>        asin(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
  4. arsin               <Unary function>        arsin(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
  5. arcsin              <Unary function>        arcsin(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
  6. acos                <Unary function>        acos(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  7. arcos               <Unary function>        arcos(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  8. arccos              <Unary function>        arccos(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  9. sinh                <Unary function>        sinh(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 10. cosh                <Unary function>        cosh(x)                                       1.0   Hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
 11. asinh               <Unary function>        asinh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 12. arsinh              <Unary function>        arsinh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 13. arcsinh             <Unary function>        arcsinh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 14. acosh               <Unary function>        acosh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
 15. arcosh              <Unary function>        arcosh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
 16. arccosh             <Unary function>        arccosh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function

Case 3: Advanced help searching – “desc=inver” query

[mXparser-v.5.2.0] Help content limited to query: 'desc=inver'
  #  Keyword             Type                    Syntax                                        Since Description
  -  --------            ----                    ------                                        ----- -----------
  1. asin                <Unary function>        asin(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
  2. arsin               <Unary function>        arsin(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
  3. arcsin              <Unary function>        arcsin(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric sine - Unary function
  4. acos                <Unary function>        acos(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  5. arcos               <Unary function>        arcos(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  6. arccos              <Unary function>        arccos(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cosine - Unary function
  7. atg                 <Unary function>        atg(x)                                        1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
  8. atan                <Unary function>        atan(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
  9. arctg               <Unary function>        arctg(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 10. arctan              <Unary function>        arctan(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric tangent - Unary function
 11. actg                <Unary function>        actg(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 12. acot                <Unary function>        acot(x)                                       1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 13. actan               <Unary function>        actan(x)                                      1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 14. arcctg              <Unary function>        arcctg(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 15. arccot              <Unary function>        arccot(x)                                     1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 16. arcctan             <Unary function>        arcctan(x)                                    1.0   Inverse trigonometric cotangent - Unary function
 17. asinh               <Unary function>        asinh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 18. arsinh              <Unary function>        arsinh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 19. arcsinh             <Unary function>        arcsinh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic sine - Unary function
 20. acosh               <Unary function>        acosh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
 21. arcosh              <Unary function>        arcosh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
 22. arccosh             <Unary function>        arccosh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosine - Unary function
 23. atgh                <Unary function>        atgh(x)                                       1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
 24. atanh               <Unary function>        atanh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
 25. arctgh              <Unary function>        arctgh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
 26. arctanh             <Unary function>        arctanh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic tangent - Unary function
 27. acoth               <Unary function>        acoth(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 28. actgh               <Unary function>        actgh(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 29. actanh              <Unary function>        actanh(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 30. arcoth              <Unary function>        arcoth(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 31. arccoth             <Unary function>        arccoth(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 32. arcctgh             <Unary function>        arcctgh(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 33. arcctanh            <Unary function>        arcctanh(x)                                   1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cotangent - Unary function
 34. asech               <Unary function>        asech(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
 35. arsech              <Unary function>        arsech(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
 36. arcsech             <Unary function>        arcsech(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic secant - Unary function
 37. acsch               <Unary function>        acsch(x)                                      1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
 38. arcsch              <Unary function>        arcsch(x)                                     1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
 39. arccsch             <Unary function>        arccsch(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
 40. acosech             <Unary function>        acosech(x)                                    1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
 41. arcosech            <Unary function>        arcosech(x)                                   1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
 42. arccosech           <Unary function>        arccosech(x)                                  1.0   Inverse hyperbolic cosecant - Unary function
 43. erfInv              <Unary function>        erfInv(x)                                     3.0   Inverse Gauss error - Special function erf⁻¹(y) - Unary function
 44. erfcInv             <Unary function>        erfcInv(x)                                    3.0   Inverse Gauss complementary error - Special function erfc⁻¹(x) - Unary function
 45. arcsec              <Unary function>        arcsec(x)                                     4.1   Inverse trigonometric secant - Unary function
 46. arccsc              <Unary function>        arccsc(x)                                     4.1   Inverse trigonometric cosecant - Unary function

Your own (user defined) constants, functions, arguments, will appear in the help content as well.

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