Major update of the library was released on Jan, 17th 2016.
Extensive support for the prime numbers:
- new class PrimesCache in mathcollection
- MathFunctions extended with primality test
- ispr(n) – Primality test function supported in expressions
- Pi(n) – Prime Counting function supported in expressions
- mXparser.initPrimesCache() methods (and others) to initialize prime numbers cache
Some special functions supported
- Ei(x) – Exponential integral function supported in expressions
- li(x) – Logarithmic integral function supported in expressions
- Li(x) – Offset logarithmic integral function supported in expressions
New constants
- [G] – Gompertz Constant OEIS A073003 supported in expressions
- [li2] – li(2) A069284 – supported in expressions
Multithreading performance tests
- Default number of cores taken from the environment
- Possibility to change number of default threads
- PerformanceTests.start(int threadsNum)
- mXparser.setThreadsNumber(int threadsNumber)
New regression tests to cover new functionalities
Download mXparser-v.2.3.0
Enjoy 🙂
Mariusz Gromada
Can you suggest me regarding string comparisons in mx parsor formula
Unfortunately mXparser does not support string manipulation. This lib is a math processor only.