Class RecursiveArgument

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All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RecursiveArgument extends Argument implements Serializable
RecursiveArgument class enables to declare the argument (variable) which is defined in a recursive way. Such an argument can be used in further processing in expressions, functions and dependent or recursive arguments.
For example:
  • 'fib(n) = fin(n-1)+fib(n-2), fib(0) = 0, fib(1) = 1'
  • 'factorial(n) = n*factorial(n-1), factorial(0) = 1'

When creating an argument you should avoid:

  • names reserved as parser keywords, in general words known in mathematical language as function names, operators (for example: sin, cos, +, -, etc...). Please be informed that after associating the argument with the expression, function or dependent/recursive argument its name will be recognized by the parser as reserved key word. It means that it could not be the same as any other key word known by the parser for this particular expression.
  • defining statements with increasing index: 'a(n) = a(n+1) + ... ', otherwise you will get Double.NaN
  • if recursion is not properly defined you will get Double.NaN in the result. This is due to the recursion counter inside of the recursive argument. Calculating n-th element requires no more than n recursion steps (usually less than n).
  • For negative 'n' you will get Double.NaN.
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See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int TYPE_ID_RECURSIVE
      Type identifier for recursive arguments.
      See Also:

      public static String TYPE_DESC_RECURSIVE
  • Constructor Details

    • RecursiveArgument

      public RecursiveArgument(String argumentName, String recursiveExpressionString, String indexName)
      Constructor - creates recursive argument.
      argumentName - the argument name
      recursiveExpressionString - the recursive expression string
      indexName - index argument name
    • RecursiveArgument

      public RecursiveArgument(String argumentName, String recursiveExpressionString, Argument n, PrimitiveElement... elements)
      Constructor - creates recursive argument.
      argumentName - the argument name
      recursiveExpressionString - the recursive expression string
      n - the index argument
      elements - Optional elements list (variadic - comma separated) of types: Argument, Constant, Function
      See Also:
    • RecursiveArgument

      public RecursiveArgument(String argumentDefinitionString, PrimitiveElement... elements)
      Constructor - creates argument based on the argument definition string.
      argumentDefinitionString - Argument definition string, i.e.:
      • 'x' - only argument name
      • 'x=5' - argument name and argument value
      • 'x=2*5' - argument name and argument value given as simple expression
      • 'x=2*y' - argument name and argument expression (dependent argument 'x' on argument 'y')
      • 'x(n)=x(n-1)+x(n-2)' - for recursive arguments)
      elements - Optional elements list (variadic - comma separated) of types: Argument, Constant, Function
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addBaseCase

      public void addBaseCase(int index, double value)
      Adds base case
      index - the base case index
      value - the base case value
    • resetAllCases

      public void resetAllCases()
      Clears all based cases and stored calculated values
    • getArgumentValue

      public double getArgumentValue(double index)
      Gets recursive argument value
      index - the index
      value as double
    • cloneForThreadSafe

      public RecursiveArgument cloneForThreadSafe()
      Creates a completely independent 1-1 clone that can be safely used by a separate thread. If the cloned element contains references to other elements (e.g. arguments, functions, constants), then they will also be cloned and the newly created element will contain references to the corresponding clones. Important - the API allows you to extract all these clones.
      cloneForThreadSafe in class Argument
      Cloned object.