Class CalcStepsRegister

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All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CalcStepsRegister extends Object implements Serializable
Calculation is a multistep process and this class provides a register to store all the steps, also done in a recursive way.
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See Also:
  • Field Details

    • calcStepRecords

      public List<CalcStepRecord> calcStepRecords
      List that stores all the calculation steps
    • argumentNameStart

      public String argumentNameStart
      If a root of the calculation tree is an argument then argument name is provided here
    • functionNameStart

      public String functionNameStart
      If a root of the calculation tree is a function then function name is provided here
    • expressionStringStart

      public String expressionStringStart
      1. If a root of the calculation tree is an expression then expression string is provided here. 2. If a root of the calculation tree is an argument then argument expression string is provided here. 3. If a root of the calculation tree is a function then function expression string is provided here.
    • result

      public double result
      Final result of calculation
    • computingTime

      public double computingTime
      Duration of calculation process - in seconds
    • errorMessage

      public String errorMessage
      Information on error or lack of error while performing calculation process
  • Constructor Details

    • CalcStepsRegister

      public CalcStepsRegister()
  • Method Details

    • consolePrint

      public void consolePrint()
      Prints this step register to the console.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object